Etemon's Comeback Tour

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As we were walking after the separation I was getting a bad feeling like someone was out to get us when all of a sudden something slammed right into the earth making it quake as we all clung to whatever whomever we could.

"What's happening?" Sora asked.

Soon, the quaking stopped.

"Is it some sort of explosion?" Tai asked.

"An earthquake?" Izzy asked.

"A meteor!" Tentomon cried as he flew down to us.

"And I mean a whopper. It just crashed in the forest." He said.

"Totally cool. Let's go check it out." Tai said.

"I don't know, Tai. It could be dangerous." Sora said.

"Yeah. Let's head over to Puppetmon's mansion instead." TK said.

"We'll show you guys exactly where it is." Patamon said.

"I suppose it's inevitable. He's one of the Dark Masters and we'll have to fight him sooner or later." Izzy said.

"Yeah, it's time somebody cut his strings instead of waiting around here. Let's take the fight to him for a change. If we don't hurry up, I'm afraid that both our worlds will be destroyed." Gatomon said.

"Let's do it, Tai." Kari said tugging at Tai's shorts.

"Wai a second you guys. Let's think this over. Puppetmon is a Mega digimon and we won't be able to defeat him that easily." Sora said.

"Oh, in that case let's give up and go watch cartoons." TK snipped.

"That's right." Patamon said.

"Someone's getting an attitude." Dramon said.

"Not my fault." I said.

"The only fair thing to do is to take a vote. All those in favour of going to Puppetmon's mansion, raise your hand and say 'aye'." Izzy said.

"Aye!" said Izzy, Kari, TK, Gatomon, Tentomon, Patamon and Koromon as their raised their hands or ears.

"The ayes have it." Izzy said.

Tai was deep in thought over what was going on and I didn't blame him.

"So Tai, what do you think?" TK asked.

Opening his eyes, Tai looked over to the small blonde.

"What should we do, Tai?" Kari asked.

"Well, uh..." he stuttered.

"We're waiting for an answer." Tentomon sang as he flew by.

Sora was looking Tai over in worry.

"OK, we're going, but just to look around. But we don't necessarily have to start any trouble." Tai said as he walked over to the group.

"Right!" the digimon who agreed nodded.

"It's this way, guys." TK said as he ran with everyone but me, my digimon and Sora following him.

"Sora, Cleo?" Tai asked as he turned back to them.

"I'll go along with your decision, but I'm still not sure it's safe." Sora said.

"I know it's dangerous Sora and we're not looking for trouble, but if anything happens, Koromon and I will hold off Puppetmon while you take the others and escape. I won't let anything happen to you." Tai said.

"You mean it?" Sora asked.

You can just see the chemistry between them can't you?

If they don't get married then I'm gonna lose it and Kari won't be that far behind in freaking out.

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