Departure for a New Continent

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Recap-We just defeated that creep Devimon and just when we thought everything was over, this weird hologram thing of an old man appeared out of nowhere.

"So, you children are the Digidestinds? Huh. You must be strong to have defeated Devimon." The old man said.

"Who are you?" Tai asked.

"Are you a friend of Devimon's?" Matt asked.

"Fear not, for I am a friend to all and yet I am a friend to none." The man said confusing me.

"I can't believe it. There are actually other humans besides us in this world." Sora said.

"I am human and yet I am not human." The man said making me just get annoyed.

"This is confusing." Mimi said.

Thank you!

"Now, my name is Gennai. I couldn't send you this transmission during your battle with Devimon, but now the lines are clear and only ten cents a minute." Gennai said.

"But who are you and just where are you?" Izzy asked.

"I'm speaking to you far away from File Island across the ocean on the Continent of Server."

"Talk about a long distance call. How long have you been here?" Sora asked.

"Since before the beginning and until after the end." Gennai said getting me all the more annoyed and I could feel my temper rise.

"Are you the one who got us stuck here in the Digital World?" Mimi asked the million dollar question.

"It was not I." Gennai said

"Well then who the heck was it?" I asked with an attitude TK lightly pinched me.

"It was...I don't know." He said making us all groan in disappointment.

You mean nothing to us, dude, so leave.

We need answers, darn it!

"But Mr. Gennai, sir, do you know what we need to do so we can all get back home again?" TK asked.

"No, I don't." Gennai said and now even my brother was losing his cool as he crossed his arms with a frown.

"Boy, you're a regular fountain of information, aren't you?" Tai snipped.

"I'm sorry I can't help you, but you can be of help to me." Gennai said.

"How?" everyone asked.

"Please come to Server and defeat our enemies. As the Digidestinds, I have faith in all of you." Gennai said confidently.

"But that's crazy when we don't know your exact location." Izzy said.

"Good point, I forgot you're from out of town." Gennai said.

"Let me create a map for you on your computer." Gennai said as Izzy looked at his lap top that was on his back in its holder.

"What if your enemies are humongizoide? You think we can beat anything tougher than Devimon or those he controls?" Joe asked.

I flinched at Joe's question. I didn't want to get kidnapped and hurt my friends. I looked down in shame.

"Not presently, but if your digimon can digivolve once more, you might be able to do it." Gennai said.

"So we can digivolve even more?" Agumon asked.

"But you'll need something special to do it." Gennai said as his image turned into this pendant with a small square shaped gem thing next to it.

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