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I had increasing anxiety as I neared my home. I hugged Coomon tighter. I wanted to see Grandma and Grandpa, but I rather deal with my fate now. Coomon whimpered at my uneasiness. I snuck back into the house from the same window I left from. I was surprised to see that it was still open.

I walked around my home quietly, but it felt too quiet. I felt someone behind me and I quickly turned around dropping Coomon to stop my father from hitting me with a bat.

I fell only to summersault away and have him hit the floor with the bat.

"STAND UP AND FIGHT!" he roared while continuing to swing the bat. I didn't want to fight him no matter how much shit he put me through.

I kept dodging the bat once more, "Put down the bat, please dad." I begged softly. He froze for a second before roaring again and swung.

He was determined to beat me, possibly kill me. I still couldn't gather the will power to actually fight back. Coomon sat there in anger. She flopped forward and bit my dad's leg. He cried out and swung the bat at Coomon knocking her off of him, she whimpered softly.

Something snapped in me and I uppercut him in his chin, but it was surrounded by fire, so it left a mark. He stumbled back in surprise.

"No one will save you, just give up," he said as he readied the bat. I shrugged and let my flames engulf my fist again and charged at him. I threw punches, but nothing seemed to land on him, I don't understand!

I jumped and kicked at him in the stomach and then punched him in the face, "I refuse to let you hurt me anymore!" just then my digivice lit up and aimed at Coomon.

"Coomon digivole to... LUMIMON!"

Lumimon nodded at me and we both lit up our fists and jumped towards him and both our fist hit his face as he gave a disbelieving look.

"I've made friends and experienced happiness, I refuse to go back to that lifestyle! I'm sorry..." I said glaring at him.

All he did was give a crooked smile and passed out. I searched his pockets for his cellphone and called the police.

Lumimon transformed into Diamon as we waited. Sirens and flashing lights alert me that the police were here. I stumbled out and everything happened in a blur.

There were the flashing lights of paparazzi, news reporters, police, and paramedics. I sat in a police car as neighbors and surrounding neighbors came to see what happened.

The police asked questions and I responded emotionlessly. I was free to walk around. My dad was placed in an ambulance and was carried off.

"Cleo!" I heard a familiar shout. I turn and see the digidestind.

"No way... " I said softly, tears in my eyes. I ran to al of them, they were behind the yellow tape line, "Why are you guys here? It must've been a troop for everyone."

"Were here cuz you're our friend Cleo! We told you that, you're stuck with us till the very end!" Sora said holding her partner tightly. Everyone swiftly nodded in agreement.

"Well there's not much for you guys to do. I'll be taken into child protective services while waiting to see if there are any relatives that are willing to take me." I sighed softly slowing tearing up.

I don't even know if I have any relatives.

"You can stay with one of us for the time being," Sora suggested.

"Who actually has the space or the time to take care of me? Your parents are already too busy taking care of you guys and even your siblings." I said looking at Tai and Matt.

Matt shook his head, "We could make space for you. We could do-"

"No Matt, it's fine. I'm not going to impose on your families. I'll just go."

"I refuse." Tai's mom said suddenly stepping forward.

"It was not your fault. You didn't pick this lifestyle. I can't allow this, as a person nor a mother. You'll stay with us in the meantime. No arguments."

I looked at Tai and he smiled sheepishly. I looked at Mrs. Kamiya and nodded not arguing anymore and sighed, "I never knew having friends would be so troublesome." I grumbled out as the kids ducked under the tape and hugged me tightly.

"There you are Cleo." an elderly voice said.

"GRANDMA!" I cried out running from the group hug.

"I thought father would've sent you away! That means I can stay with you too right?" I asked excitedly.

"After everything is done possibly. I can't say for certain. Thank you Mrs.?" Grandma said pausing to look at every one.

"Kamiya, Mrs.Kamiya." Tai's mom said.

Grandma nodded and turned back to me and grandpa. They let me go when an officer stepped forward causing Mrs.Kamiya to also step forward.

"Cleopatra Morimoto Yuki. Do you have somewhere to stay at the moment?" I nodded and looked at Mrs.Kamiya. She stepped forward once again.

"I will take care of her for the time being."

The two adults continue the conversation and turn back to my friends and hugged them once more.

"I've told y'all that I love you right?" They nodded and we hug her once more. One by one the kids were taken home by their respective guardians, until Tai was left.

"Thank you. " I said softly, still hugging him. He nodded hugging me tighter.

Mrs.Kamiya and the officer went with me to collect some things from my home. It'll be a while before I would be able to come and get things, we also happened to stop at Grandma and Grandpa's house to get anything from them as well and then the four of us left.

We reached their apartment and we carried up my belongings. I was placed with Kari, Tai's little sister. I created a bedding area on the floor and tried to take up as little space as I could, but Kari insisted that it was fine to take up more room and sprawl out. She helped me take down my hair as I prepared to shower.

I took a quick shower and sat on my bedding area while Koromon and Diamon played together. Kari and talked which we later joined by Tai, was a gigantic dork. He created a puppet show with his socks and complained about his socks being sweaty and stinky. Kari and I sweatdropped at his antics, but laughed nonetheless.

So this is what it's like to be part of a family? I quite enjoy it.

I laughed at Tai's antics once more as Koromon complained about the smell.

Yea. I could get used to this.

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