The Ultimate Clash

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"Calm down Matt. Don't get so bent out of shape. The last thing we need right now is a hothead with attitude. We've got more important things to think about." Tai said.

"Everyone's upset." TK said as Joe ran over to Matt with his hands held up in a sign of peace.

"Look, all I know is this stupid bickering is giving me a gigantic headache." He said.

"Chill out." Matt said as his eyes stayed glued to Tai.

"Matt, have you forgotten that we have been chosen to be the Digidestinds?" Joe asked as Matt scoffed with a smirk.

"And would you mind telling me who exactly chose us for this dumb job anyway?" the blonde asked turning to the oldest of the group.

"Uh, I uh..." Joe stuttered.

"Come on, I want some answers and you can't seem to give them to me." Matt said making him look off to the side.

"You have a pint there, but I-"Joe was cut off.

"Don't waste your time, Joe. Matt's just being a big spoiled brat." Tai said.

"You're the brat. Why don't you go mind your own business?" Matt said.

"What's wrong with you is pretty easy to figure out. You're upset because you wanna be the boss." Tai said with confidence while Matt smirked cruelly at him.

"Yeah, like I wanna be boss of this sorry group. If one of you brainiacs wants to take charge, be my guest. I saw we should just take care of ourselves. After all, Kari seems to be taking better care of herself with you." Matt said.

Dammit, Matt. Now its really on.

"Stop fighting you two. We've got to stick together." Sora said as she walked closer to Tai to stop him from lashing out.

"Don't look at me. Matt's the one who started it. he's a got a bug up his a-"

"Tai!" Sora scolded him before he cursed in front of Kari and TK.

"Humph. I don't have to listen to this." Tai said as he turned and walked off.

"A bug up his what now?" Agumon asked as he followed.

"One moment." MetalGarurumon growled.

He then jumped off in front of the duo of Courage, cutting them both off.

"Don't push me too far." Tai said as he turned to Matt.

"Oh, I'm scared." Matt said sarcastically.

"You better be scared. I'm getting really mad." Tai said.

"Excuse me, but what are you going to do about it?" MetalGarurumon growled.

"Stay right there." He said.

"Get real, dude." Tai said as Agumon stood in front of him.

"Watch it, stand back!" the dino said.

MetalGarurumo then pouched as orange light filled the area.

"Agumon Warp digivolve to...WARGREYMON!"

WarGreymon then pushed MetalGarurumon back so Tai didn't get hurt.

"There is no need for us to fight." He said.

"I must." MetalGarurumon said as he charged in, pushing WarGreymon back and then the two took to the air making leaves and branches fall down on us.

Tears were falling from my eyes as I saw the wolf bite into the dino's arm while Matt watched on without a care as Tai stormed over to him with a look of pure rage.

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