Sora's Crest of Love

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Mimi, Palmon, Shadowmon, Koromon and I were all sitting on top of the swan paddle boat while Gomamon swam in the water, and Tai and Joe were working the peddles to make it move.

We were getting closer to land so that we could go meet up with Izzy, Matt and TK and find Sora, where ever the heck she went to.

"OK, we're here." Tai said as the boat was at the shore of the forest.

"Whew! I'm tired." Joe said as Tai got out and held his arms out to Mimi.

"Come on Mimi, get off your thrown." He teased while me and the digimon jumped down from the boat.

"Huh! I wouldn't exactly call this a thrown." Mimi said.

"Yeah, well I wouldn' call you a princess." He said.

"Guys over here!" Matt's voice echoed making us all turn and see the blonde leading his group over to us.

"MATT!" I yelled running at him in excitement.

"It's been so long since I've seen you. My, you've...shrunk." Palmon said to Tsunomon and Motimon as they were with Koromon.

"Don't rub it in!" the three In-Trainings said turning away in a huff while Motimon, the only one with hands, put them on his none hips.

"CLEO!" TK yelled while running towards me. I let him run into me. I picked him up and swung him around and then turned to Matt and hugged him again.

"You have no idea how much I missed the both of you. I love you both so much you have no idea." TK giggled and hugged me tighter, while Matt turned away with a blush.

"So where's Sora?" Tai asked.

"That's weird. It's not like her to disappear like that." Tai said.

"Well, actually I think I saw Sora." Mimi said suddenly.

"So where did you see her?" Tai asked.

"At the Gekomon's castle, but I might have been dreaming." She said.

"I think you're right. It must have been a dream." Joe said.

"Actually, I forgot that when I was just about to eat one of those Mushrooms of Forgetfulness when I was Agumon, I heard a voice that sounded a lot like Sora's." Koromon said.

"No, it was Sora," I said quietly the group looked at me, "Sora has been watching over us, warning you guys, " I paused and looked at Koromon, TK, Patamon, and Tai., "She doesn't want to found, but she wants to be near us."

"Well, all I know is we gotta find her quick." He said as most of us checked our digivices to see a red dot away from the one that showed where we are.

"It's almost like we're playing tag with her." Tai said.

"Oh, why don't we find a spot to rest for the night? Or better yet, the next couple of weeks? My feet are killing me, not to mention every other part of my body." Joe whined as Mimi stopped walking and fell to her knees, worn out.

"I can't go another inch." She said.

"Hold it. I'm getting a reading on my digivice." Matt said.

"Really? Well, what is it?" TK asked.

"What's that buzzing?" Patamon asked.

"I wonder if it's Sora." TK said.

"What's that sound?" the child of Courage asked now that it was getting louder.

Then, this big wasp looking digimon flew down from the sky and came after us, but we all ducked down to not get hit by it.

"Flymon's here!" Koromon said.

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