My Sister's Keeper

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After we got away from the forest, we ended up on a road in the middle of the desert, the hot sun beating down on us all and I was falling a bit behind with Kari, both of us being affected by the heat more so than the others.

"This road has to be going somewhere, right?" Tai asked.

Kari then coughed and I looked over at her worriedly.

"Don't count on it. Nothing is certain in the Digital World." Tentomon said.

"Do you have a fur ball, Kari?" Gatomon asked.

Kari started to lose her footing, so I grabbed her and picked her up so she wouldn't have to walk anymore.

"No, silly I'm OK." Kari rasped.

We were both far behind the group as they walked on and I tried to take larger steps, but I was still struggling to catch up to the rest of the group.

"Only a cactus could love this place." Sora commented.

Tears were in my eyes now, blurring my view and I tripped over my feet, falling to the ground with Kari, both of us panting hard.

"Hikari! Cleopatra!" Tai yelled noticing we had fallen.

He, Dia, Agumon, Dramon and Gatomon ran/ flew over to us in worry.


"They have got to stay out of the sun and we've got to find a way to get their fevers down soon." Sora said.

They had carried us over to a bench that had this metal awning over us to keep us in the shade, then placed wet clothes on our forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you." Gatomon said as she looked over Kari.

"Yeah." Kari gave a smile and nodded.

"How come you didn't say something before now, you two? If we had known sooner, then we could have rested until you were both better." Tai said with tears struggling to not fall.

"Are you mad? I didn't want to slow everyone down." Kari said before she coughed.

"I'm not mad." Tai assured.

Tai looked over to me, but I continued to stare upward.

Tai then walked off with Izzy, Tentomon, and Agumon to talk while Sora, TK, Biyomon, and Patamon looked over us as Gatomon was still worried, Dia and Dramon still fanning us as the others walked off.

Tentomon then said he found something, so he digivolved to Kabuterimon and we all got on his back, Tai holding Kari and Sora wrapped my arm around her neck as the bug took to the air.

"It's up ahead. You wanted civilization; well it doesn't get more civilized than this." Kabuterimon said as he soared over the ocean with a big bridge that led to a metal city.

"Is that America? Do you think they have a bathroom?" TK asked.

"That's New York City, but that isn't." Sora said as we flew over a coliseum.

"That's Rome, we studied it in geography and that's the Arc de Triumph, it's in Paris. They're all smooshed together." Izzy said.

"It's like that theme park in Florida." Tai said.

"Except that this place is deserted. Look, there's not a sign of life anywhere." Sora said.

Kari moaned and leaned back into Tai's arms.

"Hey, Izzy, the girls are getting worst. We've gotta find some place to land." Tai said.

"Oh, yeah, right. Uh..." Izzy said as he looked around.

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