The Legend of the Digidestinds 2

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Ikkakumon and Joe were at the bottom of the mountain and Birdramon had just flown in from the sky and was using her Meteor Wing on Devimon, hitting him dead on.

"Quick everybody, there's no time to waste!" Sora said as she ran over to us when we just started to get the feeling back into our bodies.

"We have to strike right away!" she said.

"Digivolve!" Tai said.

"You've got it. Ready gang?" Agumon asked the other digimon.

"Agumon digivolve too...GREYMON!"

"Yeah, go Greymon!" my brother said.

"Gabumon digivolve too...GARURUMON!"

"Let's turn this guy into pudding!" Matt said

"Tentomon digivolve too...KABUTERIMON!"

"My biology teacher would love this." Izzy said.

"Pamon digivolve too...TOGEMON!"

"I do like the way our colors match." Mimi said.

Cleopatra's P. O. V

The Digidestinds had their partners digivole in order to try and defeat us.

Phantomon used her bow and fired it repeatedly, sending out a warning. The Digidestinds gasped as they looked at me. I think they finally understand that they stood no chance of defeating us.

I created a black flame in my palms and shot it the Digidestinds. The group continued to stare at me in horror.

Devimon began to speak "Aww look that the Digidestinds are too afraid. You won't win, you can't defeat us!" He then began to laugh.
Creating another black flame and shooting at the Digidestinds, laughing with Devimon.

TK's P. O. V
"Oh boy! There's nobody left. What do we do, Patamon?" I asked.

"Now to get rid of you. Then I'll have nothing fear. They say two will destroy me, I will not take the chance to leave one." Devimon said.

"Don't move; make it easy on all of us." Devimon said as he reached his hand out to get me.

"TK! Run!" Matt yelled at me, as he ran over to us with Garurumon, the wolf tackling Devimon's hand away from me as Greymon bit into his leg, just as Cleopatra threw another black fireball at the rest.

She was different, she didn't look like my Cleo. She had long silver and dark purple hair placed into a high ponytail, her same lilac eyes but they were glazed over, she had a black choker, a dark purple halter sleeveless high low corset dress, and purple ballerina shoes.

"You seem to forget, I am Devimon, Supreme Master of this island! And I will have power over all digimons. No one will defeat me!" Devimon yelled as he sent out a blast of red and black light that hit all of us. Including Cleo and Phantomon.

"Matt!" I cried and I looked up to see Devimon was coming at us again.

"Hey, get ready to run." Matt said over to us.


Where to?

We're all trapped and have nowhere else to go.

I hate to think this, but this might just be the end for us.

I'll never see my parents again.

Devimon reached for me again, Patamon then flew up and he was captured instead.

"PATAMON!" my digivice made a sound and shot out a light towards Patamon.

Devimon cried out in shock and pain as he let go of Patamon as he rose into the air, covered by the light and we watched as a miracle then happened.

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