The Dark Network of Etemon 2

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Recap-So we finally found a place in the continent of Serverthat had good food and a bath, but the digimon running it creeped me the heck out

"Cleo, wake up." Someone said shaking me.

"No." I groaned.

"CLEO!" the voice now identified as Tai yelled making me groan and wake up.

"What?" I asked.

"Tokomon disappeared." TK said with a worried look making me jump up.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Let's go." Sora said and we all ran outside, looking for the little white guy.

I swear, this creepy Pagumon had something to do with this.

"Tokomon! Tokomon! Where are you?" TK asked as we looked around.

"Where could he have gone too?" Tai asked as he pulled out his mini telescope, looking for Tokomon from his place up on one of the huts.

"Tokomon, if you can hear me, say something!" Biyomon called as she flew around to search from the air.

"Well, it looks like he's not on the south part of the village." Sora said.

"He's not in the village." Matt said as he walked over to where Sora, Izzy, Mimi and Joe were.

TK and I walked back over to them, watching as the red head drew the village in the dirt, marking where we were standing.

"Hm, can we hurry this up? I'm scheduled for a mud bath and a facial in half an hour." Mimi said making me frown at her.

"Tokomon should know better than to interrupt your beauty treatments." Gomamon said with a wink.

"You're so right." Mimi said thinking he was being serious.

"Huh? He's being sarcastic." Joe pointed out shocking her.

"What?" she asked as the Pagumon hopped over, making me glare at them.

"Well, he's not by the waterfall." One of the Pagumon said.

"OK, thanks." Izzy said crossing the waterfall off of the map he drew.

"This is bad." He said.

"Where is he?" TK asked with a sad look.

Man, poor TK.

He must be going insane with worry.

""Hey, where's Agumon?" I asked Tai.

Coomon sniffed the air, she was pulling me forward as she sniffed the surrounding air. I walked into the forest and soon enough we stopped at a waterfall.

"Didn't the Pagumon say they already searched here?" I asked.

Coomon gave me a look before hopping into the waterfall, "Ok good point." I said walking forward.

There was yelling on the other side of the waterfall, making us run over and go behind it to see that Tokomon was tied up in a cage along with a bunch of other Koromon and these two dog looking digimon were attacking Agumon.

"Agumon!" I cried making the dogs stop and turn around to face me.

"Cleo, run." Agumon said.

"Is that one of the Digidestinds?" one of the Gazimon asked.

"Wait, she's the one with the fairy, we're supposed to leave her for Zephymon." The other said.

"Zephymon?" I asked.

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