The Ninth Digivice

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I woke up late to Kari shaking me awake.

"I'm sorry but you were whimpering and crying in your sleep," Kari said.

"Oh no. I'm the one who should be apologizing for waking you." I said

She shook her head, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't think I should. Don't wanna damage your young mind." I said with a dry laugh.

"Well do you want to talk about the DigitalWorld? Or camp or something else completely?" Kari asked. She was such a sweet and kind girl. I nodded and began telling her about my experiences in the DigitalWorld.

I told her about Zephymon and what she said to me once we appeared through the gate.

""Wow. So do you think you can really trust Zephymon? What if she was lying?" Kari while she started brushing and combing my hair. It calmed me.

"She wasn't. I really trust her. Unlike Tai, I can tell when someone is telling me the truth or not. No offense" I said.

"None taken. I know my older brother can be a numbskull. But it sounds like you have a crush." Kari said giggling.

"Maybe..." I trailed off smiling slightly as she gasped.

"Its not Tai right? That would change so many things."

"No, it's not Tai. Sora can have him." I said giggling with Kari.

"They're both so blind," she said shaking her head.

The same could be said about me though.

"Oh Kari I meant to ask you something."

"Hm?" she hmmed.

"Kari, do you remember something that happened about four years ago in Heighton View Terrace? Tell me everything you know."

"I remember that Koromon got really huge and fought with a big bird monster." Kari said.

"I figured as much. This may sound strange, but do you have something called a digivice, Kari?" taking out my own digivice to show her.

She shook her head 'no' and I sighed in disappointment.

I still believe that she's the ninth child!

I wished Kari a goodnight and drifted to sleep and had a weird dream.

This dream I was having was really weird.

I was outside this club called Poseidon that was downtown near the ocean and saw that this gross sludge monster was fighting with Kabuterimon while Izzy was running away with his digivice in hand.

The scene changed to the child of Knowledge being cornered by DemiDevimon who was holding one of the fake Crests of Light and was about to stab him with this large needle he was holding.

I woke up gasping as my Crest of Harmony was faintly glowing.

I got up out of bed and then quickly pulled out a sweater. Diamon jumped up blinking rapidly.

"What's happening?"

"Izzy needs help come on!" I whisper shout as she flys into my hood.

"Cleo, Izzy just called for you and Tai." Mrs. Kamiya said.

"Great, I was just heading over there. I'll be back as soon as I can. Bye!" I said running out the door.

"Diamon you need to digivolve." She nodded and my digivice lit up.

"Diamon digivolve to... LUMIMON!" She grabbed me and we flew off to where the signal was coming from and I saw the club I had seen in my dream.

The sludge monster had just dived into the water and Kabuterimon was searching for him above the water, but I couldn't see Izzy anywhere.

"What should we do? Raremon is a nasty creature. His scent is just as bad as his Acid Slude attack." Lumimon asked.

"Go find Izzy. He'll need our help. C'mon." I said and he flew off to where I had dreamt of our red haired friend being cornered by DemiDevimon.

Before we did tough, Raremon broke the surface and spat this gross sludge at him and almost fell into the water, but Lumimon swooped down and grabbed his arm.

"Need a hand?" She asked.

"Great timing." Kabuterimon said.

"Where's Izzy?" I asked.

"He went to find the 9th child. He picked up on his signal and is looking for him right now." He said.

How can that be possible?

Kari is the 9th child, I know she is.

Something is going on here.

"You fight this guy and we'll help Izzy." I said.

Kabuterimon nodded and went back to fighting.

"Piece of cake." Kabuterimon nodded as he tackled Raremon and Lumimon carried me off towards Izzy.

We found Demidevimon about to attack Izzy, laughing at him.

"Is this a private party or can we all join in?" I asked charging up a fireball.

"Oh no!" DemiDevimon yelled as he turned to us.

"Did I miss anything?" Kabuterimon asked as he soon joined us.

"Bug Face and Lamp! You'll get it next time, kid. I'm outta here." The blue bat said as he flew off just as he did though I threw my fireball at him making him cry out.

"Did you get my call?" he asked as his bug and us as we landed.

"Actually..."I said pulling up my Tag and Crest to show him.

"I think my Crest gave me a vision 'cause I saw you and Kabuterimon. It's pretty weird, but this stuff's been happening lately." I said as Izzy got up on Kabuterimon's back.

"We should head back. Tai's gonna be mad once he realizes you left without him." Izzy said.

I laughed at that as our flying digimon took to the air just as a news van pulled up to check out the damage that was made by the fight.

"Sorry you weren't able to find the 9th child, but at least we got rid of the stinky piece of blubber." Kabuterimon said as we flew high up in the sky.

"That's all right. I've been doing some extensive calculations. My theory is that the 9th child is located here in this city." Izzy called over the beating of the bug's wings.

"You don't say." I said sarcastically.


"Yes, it seems Tai had the right idea in the first place. We have to get back to your house and give him an update." He called to me.

"You got it." Kabuterimon said.

"Whatever ya say." I shrugged.

We eventually went our separate ways and we flew back into Kari's room.

I'll talk to Tai tomorrow right now it's sleepy time. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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