Evil Shows His Face

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Recap- So there we are walking until it suddenly got a lot colder too so we try to find shelter but instead we found a refrigerator full of eggs I was worried about everyone's health because they're so laid back and carefree besides Cleopatra. So when everyone was asleep so I decided to climb up Infinity mountain Gomamon, Cleopatra followed me up the mountain. When we near the top Unimon got possessed by a black gear sticking out of his back and I jumped him while he was flying then I fell and Gomamon digivoled to Ikkakumon and destroyed the black gear.
We finally made it to the top of Infinity Mountain and we were all surprised to see that there was no sign of human life.

In fact, the whole island was surrounded by water. By what else would it be surrounded by? It's an island.

Sora, Tai, Joe and their partners were waiting for the rest of us and the blue haired boy looked miserable.

Really, how the heck did we manage to wind up in this place?

"We're doomed. Trapped on an island...we'll never get out of here alive. I knew I wouldn't like camp, but would my folks listen to me? No. I wanted to go to Summer School." Joe grumbled.

"What cha doin'?" Agumon asked Tai.

"Making a map of the island, that way we'll know exactly where we are and where we've already been." Tai answered.

"Yes, that works in theory." Izzy said as we all started crowding around Tai and we shocked at all the messed up squiggles that were made.

"Did you say 'map' or 'mess'?" Izzy asked.

"No question man, you are the dude of doodles!" Matt quipped.

"If you follow that map it'll lead right to a headache." Sora said.

"Well I can read it just fine and that's all that's really important." Tai snapped feeling annoyed.

There was then a shock and we heard rocks falling making us all worry.

"What's that?" Matt gasped.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling we shouldn't wait here to find out." Joe sounding worried.

We all decided to just continue on with the walking down the mountain, and I could have sworn that I felt like we were being watched, but every time I looked over my shoulder, no one was there and that just freaked me out even more.

"What's wrong Cleo?" Tk asked softly, noticing my worried facial expression.

"Something feels off, I'm having this gut feeling to run," I said while hugging myself.

Just then, a large orange lion with a yellow mane of hair and these creepy pure white eyes that stood up on his hind legs and blacks pants on and a large knife thing jumped in front of us.

"Don't worry, Leomon is our friend." Patamon said as he and all the other digimon smiled and I wondered if they were deaf if they couldn't hear their 'friend' growling at us.

"With big teeth." TK said as we both gripped each other's arms freaked out by the lion.

"He just uses them for smiling." Patamon said.

More like for eating us with.

"He's a just leader and a role-model for all digimon." Gabumon added.

Something was definitely wrong with the guy.

"I want the children." Leomon demanded in a deep voice making us all tense. I stood in front of TK and Patamon.

"Call me paranoid, but I think it's time we run!" Joe exclaimed.

We all did just that.

"Don't slow down, Joe, he's right behind us!" Matt yelled as we all went.

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