The Crest of Light

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"How long do humans usually sleep when they're sick, TK?" Gatomon's voice sounded through my foggy mind.

"It's tough to say for sure, Gatomon, but I guess anywhere between eight hours and eight years, give or take a minute or so." TK said.

Why are their voices echoing?

"Considering how high Kari's fever is, we better get comfortable." Gatomon said.

"I wish the other kids were down here with us." TK said, "They'd know how to wake them up." He ended sadly.

"You'll think of something, TK." Gatomon said.

"I hope they wake up soon." Dia voice then sounded.

Groaning was then heard and I felt moving by my side.

"See, I knew you'd think of something." Gatomon praised.

"I'm still not sure that woke her." TK said.

Something wet then dripped onto my face making my eyes flutter open and I woke up to see Kari was sitting up next to me, the two of us covered in what looked to be leaves.

"But I could be wrong." TK smiled.

"Hi Kari." Gatomon greeted happily.

"Hit the snooze button one more time, please." Kari requested.

"You've both slept enough. How do you two feel?" TK asked.

I then felt Kari's forehead before I placed my hand under my bangs to feel my own forehead.

"I think my fever's gone and Kari doesn't feel too hot. So how long were we asleep for?" I asked.

"Let's just say when you fell asleep I had nine lives and now I'm down to only three." Gatomon said.

"At least you have all those lives." Dia said.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.

TK, Gatomon and Dia all looked down sadly which made Kari and I share a worried look about what had happened.

Suddenly, there was the weird sound that was like flapping that made us all look over to where the sound was coming from.

"Hey, I hear Patamon." TK smiled.

"I wonder if he's found anyone." Gatomon said.

"I hope. We don't need Dramon to throw a tantrum if we can't find him." Dia said.

From the shadows, we saw Patamon flying over along with three shadows walking over with him.

"Who's that with Patamon?" TK asked.

"It's Biyomon." Gatomon said.

"And Sora." Kari said.

"Dia, Princess!" Dramon called as she ran out of the shadows and came over to us.

"Dramon." I smiled.

"Where ya been?" Dia asked.

"Kari, Cleo, you're both awake. You look so much better." Sora said.

"Did you see Tai and the others?" Kari asked.

Sora shook her head sadly at this.

"I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find them. My guess is that when we all fell, Tai and Izzy landed somewhere else." Sora sat down with us.

"I hope they're all right." Kari said.

"Don't worry, Kari." TK said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Look what Biyomon found. I'm sure it's the medicine Tai went to find for you two." Sora then held up a large brown pill bottle.

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