Flower Power

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My bad feeling was right.

Tai and Agumon came back with an injured Zephimon who passed out as soon as she landed on our balcony.

We dragged her to Kari's and kept her hidden from their parents as Tai told us that Myotismon tossed Wizardmon in the lake and took Gatomon with him to use her to fish out Kari.

There were also problems going all over the city with the electronic devices and this thick fog that covered the entire city delaying trains and stuff.

Things were getting worst and we had no idea how to fix things, especially since Gennai wasn't calling us to help out or give any hints.

I walk into the room to see Zephimon shirtless. Her back was littered with fresh and old there were two deep, long, scarred marks. I stitched and bandaged her new wound from the battle. I helped her put on one of Mr. Kamiya's shirts.

"Did Myotismon give you all those scars?" I whispered,

"Most of the new ones yes. Don't look so concerned sweetheart I've been through worse."

"That doesn't make it ok Zephimon. If anything, it should make you stand up for yourself."

"Kid you wouldn't understand."

"But I do. My dad left all types of marks and burns on my back when he was mad at me. He tried to kill me when I got back home from the Digital World that's why I'm staying with Tai and his family. Come on Zephimon it's safe to come out." Zephymon looked like she wanted to say something but walked outside with me.

Zephymon walked over to the table and ate some melon with Agu and Shadow.

"Cleo, do you think Wizarmon and Gatomon are OK?" Kari asked as she came over to me with a concerned look.

"I'm sure they are." I said with a small smile

She nodded sadly as she looked over towards Zephimon, her trying so hard to not show any pain.

Night soon came Kari gave her bed up to Zephimon and slept on the floor with me and Shadow. I felt Kari get up, I watched her as she walks to the balcony.

"Cleo, do you think Gatomon is okay?"

"I do. If you'd like I'll take you to go look for her."

"Thank you, Cleo." she came back onto my floor bed and hugged me. We all then went to sleep, but I kept on having nightmares of fog, a sky filled with bats that cast darkness over the city and a horrifying giant that wore Fang Face's mask.

There were also Bakemon, Phantomon and Gizamon wreaking havoc all over the place.

Mr.Kamiya's face flashed across the images, along with many others I recognized as the other Digidestinds, plus their families.

Bad things were going to be happening soon and we'll be in the fight for our lives soon enough.

Wizardmon's face was shown next as he jumped in front of Kari and Gatomon, taking an attack that Myotismon aimed at them.

"Cleo wake up!" Kari was shaking me and Tai burst into the room with Agu right behind him looking around confused.

"What's wrong? Why'd both of you yell?"

I shake my head, "Its nothing. I'm sorry waking you two up."

"We both know that's a lie, Cleopatra," Zephimon said sitting up, "Cleopatra's crest is special. It's connected to everyone, so she gets visions of what's to come or what's currently happening with someone on the team."

"What did you see Cleo?" Tai asked getting closer to Kari and I.

"Trouble. Darkness, fog, bats. Monsters all over the city. People running scared. It's just awful." I said shaking.

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