Piedmon's Last Jest

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Once we were hidden behind the rocks, we all got ready to watch the battle as Coomon sat on my head watching with anger in her eyes.

I know she wanted to kick Piedmon's butt, but sadly had to watch on the sidelines.

"Now that we have two Mega digimon, let's destroy Piedmon once and for all." Tai said.

"Go get him, MetalGarurumon." Matt encouraged.

"Come on WarGreymon, take care of this clown." Tai called.

"So I'm a clown? Then I'll act like one! Clown Trick!" Piedmon created a ring of fire and sent it at the Megas.

"I'll get him." MetalGarurumon ran off.

"Try jumping through this hoop." Piedmon said as MetalGarurumon jumped through the fire ring, but it shrunk and tightened around the wolf.

He cried out in pain, then fell to the ground as WarGreymon ran over to him and the ring faded away.

"Are you OK?" WarGreymon asked.

"Why don't you join us? We're having a ball." Piedmon joked.

Underneath WarGreymon the ground shook and a large green and red ball appeared making him slip as he tried to keep his balance on top of it.

"Sorry, did I make you lose your balance? Round and round you go. Where he'll land, nobody knows." Piedmon chuckled as WarGreymon fell off and landed on top of MetalGarurumon.

"He thinks this is just a big game." Izzy said.

"Well, I'm tired of playing around." Tai said.

"Let's not be hasty. He wants us to make a mistake." Matt informed.

"What's the matter? Don't want to play with Uncle Piedmon anymore?" he asked as he then pulled out his Trump Swords.

He then threw them at the two Megas, but they passed through them as if they were illusions.

"Hey, wait, some of those swords aren't real!" Tai gasped.

"WarGreymon, I'm picking up the real swords on my sensor. There's one to your right." MetalGarurumon announced.

"Cover me." WarGreymon said as he ran off and raised his arm to block the swords coming at him, the blades banging off of the armour.

Seeing Piedmon on top of a hill laughing at them, MetalGarurumon used his Metal Wolf Snout, blasting the beams at the swords being sent at him which was beginning to anger Piedmon.

"Looks like the jokes on you, Piedmon." MetalGarurumon said.

WarGreymon then used his Terra Force and threw the large ball of fire at Piedmon, blasting him back and I felt excitement as Coomon bounced on my head while Zephimon smiled.

"All right, nice shot. Izzy, have everyone digivolve and attack." Tai called.

"You heard him, guys. Now it's our turn." Izzy said.

"I'm in." Tentomon flew up beside him.

"Me too." Gomamon perked his head up over the rocks eagerly.

"Caution." Andromon warned.

To our surprise, Piedmon pulled out a white handkerchief.

"A white flag? Maybe he's trying to surrender to us." Joe said.

"Don't get your hopes up." Zephymon crossed her arms.

"I don't trust him. I think he's got another trick up his sleeve." Sora said as Piedmon hummed as he moved the cloth around.

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