Orgemon's Honor

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The vision continued on to show that the new lion digimon helped Joe, Mimi, Palmon, Gomamon, Ogremon and DemiMeramon escape MetalEtemon and wound up in a city that had been completely destroyed during the war.

Once safe inside of an old restaurant, the lion turned back into Leomon!

My vision ended there as the sound of canon fire woke me up from it and I looked over to see that Dia and Dramon were watching me expectantly.

"What did you see?" the mummified dog asked.

I shook my head.

"Talk later." I said.

"Take that!" Deramon cried as Floramon kept loading the canon so that they could fire Puppetmon whow as racing to his house.

"Here he comes." Deramon said.

"Oh no!" Floramon gasped.

"He's mad." Deramon commented.

"Well, we are shooting at him." Floramon said.

The rest of our group were standing at a safe distance as we watched them work, but I don't think we should stay here where we can get captured by the Master of Wood.

"I bet they don't invite Puppetmon to their birthday parties." Tai said.

"I think it's a good thing that they're finally releasing their hostility." Sora said.

"Remind me not to get on their bad side." Dia sweatdropped.

"Get out now!" Puppetmon yelled.

Floramon and Deramon looked out the window and then screamed before they ducked back in and started running.

"You guys know you're not allowed upstairs! My room is off limits! Take care of my toys!" Puppetmon ranted.

Gatomon went over to the canon and hopped up onto it, looking down at Puppetmon with a grin.

"I'd say that you need to learn a little more about good manners. We're not hurting anything except maybe you." she said.

The rest of us then ran downstairs where Agumon and Tai kicked the door open.

"We've had it with you, Puppetmon. You're toast." Tai said.

"Oh, now you wanna play, huh? How about a game of follow the leader?" Puppetmon asked as he turned and ran.

"Come back here ya puny toothpick! You play with us and you're gonna lose." Tai said as we all chased after him.

Before we could catch up to him, these red plant digimon sprouted from the ground laughing in a very annoying way.

"Huh? It's a trick." Agumon said.

"Not our best move." Gatomon said as we were all surrounded by the vegetable digimon.

"Well put, mon. See, TK? I have friends after all. Problem is, they don't like you." Puppetmon laughed.

TK and Patamon both glared at Puppetmon who was on the ground holding his stomach as he laughed.

"And what they don't like, they destroy." He said.

"Yeah, boss!" the veg heads said.

"RedVegiemon have extremely violet tempers. That's why their faces are always red. Not exactly the friendly type." Izzy explained after looking the digimon up on his analyzer.

"It's time to do some weed whacking." Tai said holding up his digivice.

Tentomon, Biyomon, Diamon, and Patamon all digivolved and started fighting off the RedVegiemon making them all run off while Gatomon and Dramon pitched in to help, the RedVegiemon all being knocked out from the beatings they had gotten.

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