The Gateway to Home

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As it turns out, Myotismon wasn't really coming after us.

He was just passing by to try and scare us.

Seriously, what kind of person gets a kick out of scaring kids?

We were all relaxing now, me sitting with Mimi, Palmon, and Shadow at the shore of the lake as Tai and Joe were in the lake gathering some water in plastic bags and Gomamon was swimming.

"Hey, check it out, Mimi." Joe said holding up his water filled bag.

"How about this for an instant bath? I'm glad I took these bags from the restaurant." He said as Gomamon swam over to him.

"Gee, now you'll be able to go soak your head the next time you have an allergy attack." The seal joked.

"Right. That was so funny I forgot to laugh." Joe said.

"Now that Myotismon's chasing us, we're gonna have to keep running like a bunch of crazed shoppers at the mall. He's just a big creep if you ask me." Mimi said.

Love the way she sees things and she is totally right.

"I have to agree with you on that." Joe said.

"Yeah, he's small potatoes for us." Tai said.

"My wish is to never see him again. Period." Palmon said.

"Mine too." Mimi smiled with her partner.

"Gather around everyone!" Izzy called making us urn to look at him.

"I hope lunch is ready because I'm starving." Tai said as Izzy and Tentomon came running to us.

"Gennai's back. He wants to speak to us." Izzy said.

"Is this a scheduled visit?" Mimi asked.

"Hope he found a way to get us out of here." Joe said.

"What is it this time?" Tai asked.

They all said this at once, so it was hard to tell what everyone said at first.

We all got up and went to go see what the old man wanted.

There was the transparent form of Gennai with all of our friends surrounded around the hologram and we went to.

"Don't keep us in suspense. What's this all about anyway?" Tai asked.

"Well, I brought you some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" Gennai asked.

Does it really matter which we hear first?

"Save the good news for last. I hate being depressed." The child of Reliability said.

"He's a basket case anyway. Let's start with the good news." Matt said.

"Actually, you all look like you could use some cheering up. I've been told another child will be joining your group." Gennai said shocking us all.

"Another child? Who tells you these things anyway?" Sora asked.

"Well, this is someone you shall want as a friend. This someone is a Digidestind." Gennai said making everyone ask questions about this 9th child.

"What?" Matt asked.

"Really?" Mimi asked.

"Another one?" Joe asked.

"Oh, I hope this new one will have a digimon that will be able to help us." Yokomon said.

"You and me both." Sora said.

"The important thing to remember is all nine of you must be together. As long as you are separated, the worlds will not be in harmony together. And everything will go wacko, so we must find this other child as soon as possible." The old man said, he said this while looking at my direction.

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