Playing Games

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Just when we thought it was the end for WarGreymon, Whamon came to the rescue by ramming into MetalSeadramon and WarGreymon was able to escape, but MetalSeadramon attacked Whamon and hit him with his River of Power, blasting a hole in the whale as he went down into the water.

WarGreymon then used his Terra Force as MetalSeadramon used his River of Power, the dino cutting through the green beam and also destroyed MetalSeadramon for good.

It was kind of weird how he went through his mouth and then burst out of the tail, but at least it worked.

"So much for your impenetrable crome digi-zoid of armour. Looks to me like you got a little rusty." WarGreymon said.

"Next time you decide to rule the waters, do everybody a favour and take a bubble bath instead." Kabuterimon said.

"We won." Tai smiled.

WarGreymon then turned back into a tried Koromon.

Later on, all of us were together as Whamon came back up looking really hurt from everything he had been through.

"Digidestinds...please save this world." He said.

To our horror, he faded away into data as we all cried out for him to not leave and he just died right in front of us.

"Whamon, where did he go?" TK asked.

"Look there everyone." Izzy said.

"It's happening to MetalSeadramon too." Matt said as the Dark Master of Water faded away into data.

"They're floating in the sky." Sora said.

"I know where they're going." Gomamon said.

"Spiral Mountain's peak." Tentomon said as the ground started to shake.

"No, that's the real reason for all the shaking. Over there." Tai pointed.

Over at Spiral Mountain, the water that was on it was draining away.

"The ocean!" Sora gasped.

"It's, uh, disappearing." Joe said.

"Look, Spiral Mountain's ocean is almost completely gone." TK said.

"But why?" Patamon asked.

"The Digital Ocean is being reconfigured because we kicked its Dark Master's butt." Gomamon said.

"Quite interesting, but does this affect us?" Izzy asked.

"Absolutely, it changes everything. If we're gonna get any surfing in, we better hurry." Tai joked.

"Those wimpy Dark Masters are no threat to Super Joe." Joe joked as he was sharing the hype with everyone.

"That's the digi-tude I like to hear from you humans." Gatomon said.

"All right! Let's go." Tai said as everyone cheered.

"Wait!" Mimi called making us all turn to her.

"We're not through here yet." She said.

Mimi and Palmon were making three mounds in the dirt with a cross made out of sticks on top of each one.

"Mimi, what're you doing?" Tai asked.

"In case you haven't noticed, some of our friends are gone." Matt reminded with a bit of bite.

"Oh, sorry." Tai said.

"That one is to remember Chumon, the one next to it is Pixiemon and this one here is for Whamon." Mimi said with a sad look.

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