So I guess before the chapters were in Spanish??? Idk I was on the computer last night and it said something I was like wtf no so I changed it all to english again. Anyways Happy Sunday!

"C'mon let's dance!" Katie said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head and got up off the floor. I giggled at myself stumbling while getting up.

"Harry keeps looking over at you." Katie said. Like I hadn't noticed...
I shrugged not really caring anymore.

"No really look." Harry stood near the couch but in the corner not noticeable if you didn't pay attention.

The look in his eyes was indescribable, a mixture between lust and wrath. I looked away from him and looked ahead of us and noticed all the girls scattered around the little dance floor in the living room. As we made our way through hips were bumping into me and crotches grinding against me. It felt so weird, I mean yeah I've been to school dances and witnessed the dirty dances like this, just never have been in between one.

Once we made it to the dead center I gasped in shock. The girls just keep surprising me tonight. Samantha was all over Liam making out with him while his hands were caressing her bottom. I blushed and looked away.

That's none of my business.

In the corner of my eye I saw Maddie and Zayn rocking their hips back and forth on each other. Well I guess the only thing I can do is just look up at the ceiling so I don't have to see so much public, what do you even describe this, affection?

I just need to go home, so much has happened and I don't think I can take anymore.

"Hey I'm gonna get going home." I said in Tammy's ear. "Aw why?" "I'm not feeling so well, I've had enough for tonight. I'm just going to get back home alright?" "Aw well make sure you come back and see us soon maybe we all can go out for lunch soon." "Yeah totally." I said smiling.

I began to make my way out of the enormous crowd and headed towards the front door.

"Leaving so soon?" I heard a thick voice mumble behind me shutting the door. I jumped knowing who it was. The hairs on my neck rose at how close he was to me.

"Uh yeah, dancings not my scene. And I've had enough to drink for tonight." I turned around and saw Harry eyeing my body. "Did you drive here?" "N-no." I stuttered.

Harry had this dark demeanering look. And his eyes. I couldn't help but keep looking into them.

"Do I make you nervous?" He said coming in closer. I blushed at our proximity. Why am I feeling like this? I lied and said, "No, no you don't." Harry rolled his eyes and looked down at me again.

"Well c'mon I'm taking you home." He began to open the door again but I shut it once again. "You don't need to do that. I'm fine with walking. Besides I could use the fresh air." "Then I'll fucking roll down the windows in the car but I am not letting you walk home alone." "Why do you care at what I do?" "Because I don't need the guilt of knowing I could have done something if I let you just walk out here. Besides from the way you look there is no way you can comprehend which way is left and which is right." He said flatly.

"I am not that drunk." "Yeah but you still are, you even admitted it. Now come on, let's go." He said pulling the door open and walking out.

Harry strode away unaware of how fast he was walking. In order to keep up I had to jog. Another reason to hate him for, he's making me do cardio.

And I hate cardio.

"Can you at least slow down." I yelled breathless. I stopped needed to catch my breath. Harry turned around and scoffed, and kept on walking. Fucking jerk.

I caught up to him sweating wondering when I could sit down with the cold wind in my face. Harry made a swift left turn and began to walk fast once again. You have got to be kidding me. I was struggling trying to get near Harry but it was like he was fast walking in order to keep away from me. Am I that bad of a person?

It's like I already am walking on my own since I can't keep up with his long legs. Harry stopped in front of an old car and unlocked it.

I was waiting for him to be polite and open my car door but what a surprise he didn't.

"Get in." He said already inside the driver seat. I huffed but opened the passenger door and slammed the door shut.

"What the fuck!" Harry yelled eyes wild looking in my direction. "What?" "Don't play stupid! You just fucking slammed my god damn door! Do you know how much this car costs? A lot! So learn how to respect peoples shit! Understand?" "Yes I'm sorry." I said rushed. He's worse than my bootcamp trainer.

The car came to life and with loud death metal playing. I sat there still wondering if he was going to turn it down. Even a notch down. But no, instead he raised the volume up with the screaming voices even louder than before and they sounded more pissed off then they did before. Maybe this is how Harry feels...

I looked over at Harry and saw how relaxed and calm he looked. He looked over at me and scoffed. Okay I take back the calm comment. He seems pissed. Pissed at me to be precise. I sighed putting my head agains the vibrating window letting the lyrics sink in. Or at least try to.

Even with the loud roars of the singers it still felt quiet in the small old car. If I had a knife with me I could slice the tension in the air. And stab Harry in the eye for keep looking over at me every five seconds. But we"ll keep the violence for another time.

"Could you keep your eyes on the road. It would be much appreciated." I stated overly annoyed. "Don't flatter yourself." "Who said I was. I'm just saying I don't trust your driving." I argued back corssing my arms.

"Fuck!" Harry yelled over the music pulling over. He shut the car off and slowly shifted his body towards me. For a few mintues we just sat there in the dark silence not speaking a word to one another.

I coughed awkwardly and stared down at my hands in my lap.

"Anything else you want to add to piss me off?" I shook my head and stayed silent. I just want to get back to the dorms safely and drive back home. I'll take hearing Jade's and Emerald's moans then being stuck in a car with Harry anyday.

After a few more antagonizing mintues Harry finally powered the car and drove away to the dorm rooms.

As I saw the college school sign I sighed in relief. I can finally get out of this car and leave Satan himself. Harry parked his car in one of the spaces and unlocked his car. I got out as fast as I could and began walking away without looking back. The faster I walk the faster I will not need anymore confrontation with him.

"Hey!" I froze and tensed up turned around to see Harry making his way over toward me. What does he want?

"You're not going to thank me?" "Thanks." I said and began to walk away. "Cut the attitude." He said grabbing my arm. "Don't tell me what to do." I said yanking his hand off my arm. "Listen there is no need for you to be a bitch to me." He spat at me. "And there's no need for you to be a dick to me." Harry laughed out loud.

"Actually you're wrong there is a lot of reasons for me to be a dick to you." "Look just leave me alone!" I yelled walking away. "Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" "Fuck off Harry." I began to pace away when I heard heavy boots following my lead.

"And just where do you think you are going." "Well for starters away from you. Then I am going to get my shit from there and find somewhere to sleep." I stated. Harry scowled at me and turned around and began to walk away.

What in the actual fuck?

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. Fucking jerk.

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