Part 39:

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"Jo I'm late !" I yelled as I as I put my keys in my bag and walked out of my room. I walked in the front room and Lucas was sitting on the couch and stood up .

"hey?" I said .

"Josephine took Kingston out i offered to take you to school ." He shrugged and I looked down .

"Lucas I'm not ten I don't need you acting like a dad it's a little to late for that ." I said as I looked at him and it was like a punch in the stomach by his facial expression.

"I know Lesi but you gotta meet me half way ." He said as he looked down .

"I'm gonna be late ." I said and walked out the door and got in his truck I looked out his window and crossed my arms he got inside and started to drive off .

"Jo told me your in studying uh.. la-

"Women Studies , I'm a feminist." I said correcting him .

"what's that?" He asked .

"women equality uplifting other women ." I said and he nodded .

"that's good I'm glad you in college doing something with your life I'm proud ." He said while looking at me and I nodded .

"thanks." I said .

"honor your my daughter just because we not blood don't mean shit to me just like Kingston I'd die for the both of you . I'd do anything for y'all ." he said as he pulled up at the school and I nodded .

"the why'd you choose the streets over us , when Josephine was in the hospital it was the best and worse time of my life . I was hurting my dad was gone , jo was gone, but then there you were telling me everything was gonna be okay treating me like a princess like your own ." I said while angrily wiping my tears . "Damn it lucas Pryce gave you a way out !" I yelled . "Your so fucking selfish you had a option he was gonna take care everything else you didn't choose me none of us . you let your ego get in the way and just like I can't forgive Pryce and Cortez I don't think I can ever forgive you daddy ." I sobbed as I wiped my tears .

"Lesi." he said as he reached over but I clenched my jaw and got out of his truck and slammed his door and walked on campus . call me what you want loyalty is everything to me it takes a lot to gain my trust . Yeah my biological dad might have hurt me . But Lucas broke my heart he was supposed to be so much better I believed in him when we first moved to New York I always told myself he was gonna come back but times changed I'm not that little girl anymore I don't ever wanna be that little girl again Kingston is looking up to me he can't have his sister breaking down I was always his rock . I walked into my class and saw a man writing on the chalk board I thought I had the wrong class so I began walking out again .

"who are you looking for ?" he called out and I stopped and turned around .

"Women's Study I have the wrong room I think." I said as I crossed my arms .

"you have the right one ." he said as he continued writing and i furrowed my eyebrows .

"but your a man this is women's studies ." I said and he laughed to himself .

"what because I'm a man I can't know anything about women ." he said as he put the chalk down and wiped his hands

"never said that ," I said .

"But you implied it ." he said as he walked towards me .

"Not used to male teachers telling women how they should feel my bad ." I said as crossed my arms .

"professor Hilton ." he said with his hand out .

"Honor." I said as I shook it .

"Honor you'd be surprised of what I'd have to teach you ." He said .

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