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The morning of graduation, rock music blasted through the Salvatore Boarding House. In the parlor, Stefan was sitting on the couch, bobbing his head to the music while Lexi and Mallory were dancing nearby. All three of them were drunk out of their mind.

"Damon, help me celebrate my seventeenth high school graduation," Stefan suddenly spoke up, causing Mallory to turn to see Damon walking in.

Mallory groaned, rolling her eyes when he turned off the music. "Hey. You remember Lexi, don't you?" She asked Damon, smirking as she glanced between them, "I mean, I'm told that you were the one to kill her, were you not?"

"Lexi. Back from the dead," Damon spoke up in an uneasy tone, "Goodie."

Just then, Lexi sped over to Damon, grabbing him in a chokehold. She pinned him to a nearby wall and Mallory smirked, amused by the sight. "What's up, buzz kill?"

"Stefan, Mal, you just gonna sit there and let her enact her ghostly revenge?" Damon managed to get out as he turned to Mallory and Stefan, who were smiling in utter amusement.

"You reap what you sow, buddy," Stefan replied, causing Mallory to let out a loud laugh. He was always more fun when Lexi was around.

"Let's be very clear," Lexi began to speak to Damon in a stern tone, "Whatever time I have left here, I sure as hell don't plan on wasting on you. You got me?"

"Yeah," Damon groaned in pain, "Got ya."

Finally, Lexi released Damon, which caused him to gasp in pain while Lexi casually made her way over to Stefan and Mallory.

"So if you and Ric and little Gilbert are all flesh-like and real-seeming, that means something went horribly wrong when Bonnie tried to put that veil up. And here you three are, having dance party USA," He explained, an annoyed look on his face.

"What else would we be doing?" Mallory asked, scoffing loudly.

"No, no, Damon's right. How selfish of us to be indulging in these precious moments with our formerly dead best friend. We should be sacrificing our own happiness for the good of others, right?" Stefan explained in a sarcastic tone before turning to Mallory, "You know, I should be upstairs grooming my hero-hair."

"You should," Mallory nodded as she responded sarcastically.

"Are you drunk?" Damon asked as he eyed Stefan suspiciously.

"I don't know, Mom, am I?" Stefan replied, causing Mallory to laugh in amusement as she was handed the bottle of bourbon.

Before she could take a sip, though, Damon had snatched the bottle from her. "Well, I guess that's one way to celebrate our supernatural apocalypse," He commented, taking a swig from the bottle, "Now, care to hazard any guesses on what the hell went wrong?"

"I don't know and honestly, I don't care," Mallory answered as she rolled her eyes.

"I heard you took care of your original boyfriend when he tried to kill Elena," Damon replied and turned to her suspiciously, "What'd you do with him?"

"He'll be back sooner or later, but I don't really care what he does. He's not my problem anymore," Mallory admitted and shrugged her shoulders.

She stood up from her seat and walked away, trying to hide her saddened look.


By the time Mallory had returned to the boarding house, it seemed as though she had come at the most perfect time. A vampire hunter stood before Damon, on the verge of killing him.

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