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My hands are shaking when I reach the doorknob into the SM entertainment building.

I'm extremely nervous, and I try to keep my body from shaking too much.

When I get in, two security guards stand tall and wide, blocking further entrance to the building.

"ID." One of them commands, sticking a hand out towards me.

"Ah yes! Of course." I say.

When looking in my purse for my ID, the awkward silence becomes intense, and it doesn't help that it takes me like a whole minute to find it in my purse.


They check it, and leads me towards the reception.

A lady sits behind the desk, speaking with someone on the phone.

I just stand there before her with two enormous guards beside me, waiting for her to finish her call.

"Yes?" She asks bored, not looking at me, just wanting to get this over with.

"Uhm, m-my name is Zhong L-Liang, a-and I was told to-" I stutter out, before she cuts me off.

"Here." She gives me a little sign with my name and the word guest on it.

"Put this on your shirt and walk down that hallway, then you'll see an office on your right hand where you'll be awaited." She says in a monotone voice.

"O-okay, thank you." I say, bowing slightly in respect.

I walk down the hallway, noticing the guards aren't by my side anymore, which is actually quite nice, I found them kinda intimidating.

The hallway is nice, very simple. The walls are white, and the floor made of some kind of dark wood.

It's quiet, the only sound is my shoes hitting the floor with every step I take.

I eventually reach the door that I think is the correct one, with a sign saying head office.

I knock carefully.

"Yes, come in!" A woman's voice says.

I open the door and I'm immediately met with a really beautiful and intelligent looking woman, and I immediately feel intimidated.

"Hi, you must be Zhong Liang, I'm Kim Ara, nice to finally meet you, we talked on the phone last time we talked." She says, reaching her hand out to shake mine.

I do recognize her voice from the phone call the other day.

I grab her hand, and she gives me a firm handshake with a wide smile, showing professionalism.

"Well take a seat, and we'll have a little talk." She gestured to a chair in front of her desk.

I sit down in the chair in front of the grey desk, and she sits in the one behind it.

"I saw the footage of you with my colleague the other day, and I must say, we were extremely impressed! You definitely have talent." She says in an almost too excited way.

"Ah thank you..." I say looking down, because my cheeks instantly heated up, cause of the compliment. I always struggle with getting compliments, my body just don't know how to handle them without getting flustered.

"Hmm, actually I don't think there's much to talk about right now, I would actually prefer to have you here a couple of days to see what you've got, before we talk about the contract and so."

I guess that makes sense, no need to talk about such things, before anything is sure, that would just be a waste of time.

"So I think this talk will mostly be if you have any questions." She says, looking at me with an awaiting look.

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