Nota Kaki : D I A N A

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Someone who is so kind made this coverbook for DIANA

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Someone who is so kind made this coverbook for DIANA. What do you guys think? 😍 Thank you @rinfrhnaaaa for this artwork!

Start : 9 April 2020
End : 9 Oktober 2020
Edited : 8 Oktober 2022

Hi semua. Assalamualaikum.

Finally habis jugak story Diana ni. 6 bulan buat satu story je haha.

Sebab awal-awal dulu masa pkp author ada banyak masa. Now, not anymore that's why the updates were so slow.

Dalam part ni author just nak share few words. Siapa yang follow story Diana will know ini first story author yang dipublish. Jadi author sangat sangat appreciate semua yang vote dan komen story Diana. Especially fews of you yang voted every single part, I noticed that. Thank you so much 🍦

Disebabkan ini first story yang dipublish, banyak kekurangan dalam cerita ni. Not just that, story line berterabur. Banyak typo. Kadang lari dari motif. Maklumlah, i am a beginner haha. Sorry for that. Tapi author banyak belajar dari feedback yann korang kasi. Thank you;again!

So, in the meantime I will try to repair parts sebelum ni supaya lebih teratur dan fokus pada story line. It's up to you to re-read or not.

Anyway since Diana is my first story and I created it during pandemic so it is precious to me. I really hope you enjoy Diana so much as I do.

I already have other ideas in my head for the next stories. But i want to 'repair' Diana first, let more people read it and get a rest by spending some time to read other people stories. I need to reschedule myself for this year due to so many things had happened. Entah bilalah nak create story baru tu ya haha.

One more thing, please stay safe everyone. For those who were affected by pandemic tak kisah la korang students ke, bekerja ke, housewives ke, I just want to say 'Trust me. You got this and we can go through this.💛'

So, akhir kata terima kasih sekali lagi kerana membaca Diana. Ikhlas dari sudut hati author yang saya appreciate sangat korang sudi baca.

Diana and Ez signing off 💛

The White Wonder

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