It popped!

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We arrived at the party, Dev introduced me to Daniella and pretty much right after I stayed true to my words and walked to the kitchen where I poured myself a Gin tonic.

"I'm not even surprised to find you here.", my best friend snorted, I gave her a shrug and filled us each two vodka shots.

"Cheers!", I smiled, happy to finally let loose. We downed our shots quickly and I mixed myself another cocktail.

"Stop this, go and socialize!", Devon pushed me making me pout.
"Please no.", I gave her my puppy eyes but she once again gave me the look making me sigh.
"Fine. Stupid bitch.", I mumbled.
"I can hear you!"
"Good!", I spat back walking out of the kitchen halting instantly. I turned around seeing my best friend already flirting with a guy.

Honestly, she doesn't even try what is this?

I silently made my way to the two, trying to be discreet but I think my outfit wasn't the most discreet to begin with.

Devon arched an eyebrow, while the guy only eyed us confused.
"I forgot something.", I grabbed my drink smiling sheepishly at the two before bolting out of the kitchen.

"Woah, slow down Lucifer your drink looks nice but I'm pretty sure it's better if it stays inside your cup.", I stopped myself holding the cup tightly, looking at the guy in front of me apologetically.

"I'm-", I snorted, pretty ugly may I add, laughing loudly, holding my stomach for support.
"Oh my god! You're a giant baby.", I giggled trying to stop myself but I couldn't help it.

"Indeed I am.", he chuckled, not minding that I was laughing at him at all.

"I'm so sorry, I just-this is the best costume ever! You're a genius.", I grinned looking at the blonde boy in front of me.
"Why thank you. I think you don't look so bad yourself.", he grinned widely, his smile was really attractive.

"Sorry for bumping into you, or did you bump into me?", I laughed hinting that his costume was really big.

"Anyways my name is Emerson."
"Nice to meet you Emerson, I'm Owen.", the giant baby spoke, making me smile.

"Are you a friend of Daniella?", he asked me as I shook my head.
"No, but my friend Devon knows her. I don't know if you know her? Devon Thompson? She's modeling and usually has cameos in Nickelodeon shows.", I explained, pointing to the angel that was still talking to the guy from before.

"Oh she looks familiar, I haven't really met her though.", he shrugged.
"So you're her plus one?", he asked.
"Exactly.", I grinned taking a sip of my drink.

"You're probably the only person that's actually drinking tonight.", the blonde cutie spoke making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why? I mean, she did put all the alcohol on her kitchen table so I assume we can drink it?", I said rather confused.

"Yeah you can but I guess they're all too fancy for that, they want some expensive wines and whatnot.", Owen told me causing me to laugh.

"They should've brought some then.", I rolled my eyes. This is exactly why I don't hang out with these people.

They're full of shit.

"You wanna steal some alcohol and go outside? She has a really nice garden.", he wiggled his eyebrows causing me to give him a cheeky grin in response.

"I'm always down for that!", I smirked, sneaking to the kitchen, hoping that Devon wouldn't catch me there.

"Can you even sit with your costume?", I giggled, seeing him struggling. Right after I said that he plopped himself down on the grass, a loud sound echoed through the garden.

"Oh my-", he began, his eyes widening.
"You just-", my eyes were just as wide open.
"My costume popped!", he exclaimed, looking at me in shock. My eyes met his colorful eyes, a chuckle leaving our lips, following cries of laughter right after.

"Please tell me you're wearing something underneath.", I giggled.
"I really wish I could say yes.", he winced pushing his hair back.
"So what happens now?", I asked him dangling my legs above Daniella's pool, that was empty.
"We drink.", he smiled.

"Let's play a game.", he spoke out of nowhere.
"What do you have in mind?", I asked him curiously.

"I'll ask you a question and you'll answer either truthfully or lie and I'll have to guess. If I'm right then you'll have to drink, if I'm wrong then I'll drink.", he explained excitedly making me nod.

"Alright bring it on mister!"

"Okay...let's start easy. How old are you?", he asked me, his legs now next to mine dangling around.

"20.", a small smile was playing on my lips.

"Truth.", I took a sip of my almost empty cocktail.
"What about you?", I asked him instead.
"Also 20.", he replied nonchalantly.
"Truth.", he drank from his cup.
"Are you a model like your friend?", he asked me, I really had to stop myself from choking or he'd immediately know the truth.
"Truth.", he said it so confidently I had to laugh.
"Oh god no! I'm an actress I guess."
"What do you mean you guess?", I really couldn't identify what eye color he had and it was infuriating.

"I usually play in horror movies or shows like Hawaii five-O and Criminal Minds.", I told him, he seemed really interested.
"Wow! This is really cool!" 
"Stop stalling and drink it up.", I chuckled.

"Okay okay, no need to stress me out like this!"
"I'm not stressing out!"
"Oh you so are!"
"Shut up you giant baby."
"Actually you're not so giant anymore are you?", I arched an eyebrow, I knew that I won.

"Shush Lucifer.", he huffed out.

"What about you baby boy?", I smirked at his new nickname.

"I'm also an actor."
"Truth.", he nodded making me groan.

"Why are you always saying the truth? That's boring."

"Because I thought it would be nice to be honest to my future wife.", my heart stopped at his words.



I love Halloween, I wish corona wouldn't exist,sighhhhhh🌙

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