I'm a Louis-girl

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"I didn't Owen. Savannah told me to watch your show, I didn't know it before.", I replied back angrily, my green eyes bored holes into his body, hoping he would poof out any second.

"Liar.", he shook his head, a fake smile plastered on his face while everyone else seemed confused.

"Uhhh...I'm sorry about him? Owen what the hell?!", Madison shook her head, turning once again to me.

"Do you know each other?"

"No.", we replied simultaneously.

"Come Emerson, let's get you something to drink.", Madison pulled me towards the kitchen, where she poured me a cocktail. I soon realized that it was alcohol after I chugged it in one go.

Honestly, I really cannot make it through the night without some alcohol.

"Slow down girl.", Madison laughed.
"Don't worry I've got a high tolerance, it won't bring me down.", I told her.

It would be nice though.

To forget it all for the night.

"So what happened between you two?", she arched an eyebrow clearly seeing that we weren't on good terms right now.

"Tell me Madison, you're a really great singer who are your idols?", I changed the subject, filling my cup with another drink.

"Call me Madi. Honestly the entire high school musical cast was already inspirational but One Direction will always have my heart. Especially Harry Styles, this man is just wow.", she gushed making me giggle.

"True, Harry Styles is extremely talented. When I was little I used to be obsessed with One Direction, hell I still am. They introduced me to all the boy bands and music in general. I'm a Louis girl.", I rambled, chuckling right after, the alcohol was slowly kicking in.

"Ahhhh finally someone who loves them just as much as I do! I'm so happy!", she grinned happily making me smile.

"I think we haven't met yet, I'm Charlie nice to meet you.", a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes smirked at me. "Emerson hey, this is so weird I just saw you on tv and now we're all talking in Savannah's kitchen. I'm sorry, I'm just fangirling don't mind me.", I hid my blush, downing another drink in a go.

"Emerson slow down.", Madi was concerned while I waved it off.

"Good to know that we've a fan here.", Charlie laughed. "What made you watch Julie and the phantoms?", he seemed suspicious, but at that time I was too drunk to care.
"Savannah told me to watch it.", I replied bluntly.
"Nothing else?", he asked again.
"Owen wanted me to watch it but that's another story.", I huffed, drinking another cocktail.

"Before Owen?", Charlie asked again, I was already annoyed.
"No. I didn't know the show existed before he mentioned it to me. What else do you want to know? You wanna see my tattoo too and maybe yell at me for being a liar?", I was aggravated by now.

I showed him my fresh tattoo, Madi and Charlie seemed both shocked but I ignored it and walked upstairs to the bathroom.

I really had to pee!

I stumbled upstairs, mumbling incoherent words while looking around. I tripped on the last step, but to my luck I wasn't kissing the ground for the second time that day. Instead someone's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me up to his chest.

How I knew that it was a guy?


His fragrance was killing my senses, I could barely think.

Fuck boys and their stupid good smelling bodies.


"Falling into my arms again? Now that was fast.", Owen commented, bringing me back to my senses. A furious look was on my face as I ripped myself from his grip.

"Don't you dare touch me! Shut the fuck up and leave me alone Owen.", I spat angrily.
"Now what did I do to you?!", he yelled back.
"You left me! You promised you wouldn't?! And I'm the fucking liar!", I yelled back, punching his chest.
"You lied to me first!", he held my wrist tightly, pulling me closer to him.

His eyes were boring in to mine, I still couldn't identify their color and I hated it.

"I'm done with you Owen, please let me go. You go your way and I'll go mine.", I just wanted to pee for fucks sake.

"No! I won't let you lie to my friends! They do not deserve that.", I chuckled humorlessly at him.

"But I do? Wow thank you.", he let go of my wrists and I rushed to the bathroom where I locked myself in, sliding down the door.

I do not deserve that.

Do I?

No! I don't.

I deserve better.

After a few minutes of calming down, I did my business and excused myself, telling Savannah I wasn't feeling very well. I texted Devon that I left home, knowing she was with another guy tonight and I really didn't want to spoil her mood.

She deserves to be happy.

I'll get my happily ever after one day too.


"Hello?", I answered my phone, I didn't even look at the caller-id.


"Oh Sean hey what's up?", I asked while walking down the streets. It was already 2am and the streets were empty. I knew that it wasn't very safe, especially for a girl. Thank god Sean called, who knows maybe something could've happened.

"I'm sorry for calling so late."
"Oh no it's fine, I'm walking home right now so your time is perfect."
"That's great! How was the party?", he asked me.
"Not so great."
"Oh you met that Owen dude?"
"I really don't want to talk about it."
"I understand. Do you like Italian food?", Sean changed the subject causing me to giggle.

"Well I didn't expect that, that's for sure.", I commented on his question making him chuckle.

"I need to know, it's for the date.", I smiled widely.
It's cute how he's making such an effort.

"Yes Owen I love Italian food. Don't worry too much.", I grinned.

I didn't know it was a date.


do you guys like Sean? Who's your fave from the cast?🌙

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