talk in private

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"I really like the tattoo, it turned out great.", a voice interrupted me as I stole as many snacks as I could on my plate. "Sucks for you that you left before the actual process could start then huh?", I arched an eyebrow munching silently on my brownie. "Look Emerson, I'm sorry, okay?", Owen sighed walking closer to me.

"And I'm sorry too, for thinking I could trust you that easily...heck we barely know each other!", I exclaimed shaking my head. "So? Yes we barely know each other, still, we're behaving very much like friends most of the time.", Owen said. "I can't call you my friend, you walked out on me right after a pinky promise! Friends don't do that shit!", I yelled almost dropping my brownie in the process.

"I'm fucking sorry-let's go.", Owen grabbed my hand pulling me out of the building. "What the fuck Owen why should I follow you, where are we even going?!", I yelled annoyed, shaking my arm out of his grasp.

"We need to talk in private, yelling in a room full of people didn't seem right.", she shrugged intertwining his hands with mine.

The warmth of his hands with mine made me forget that I was angry at him, instead I followed him silently staring at our hands every once in a while.

"Where are we going?", I asked again, this time softer without any yelling. "You always say that you have things that you want to tick off your bucket list...well you aren't the only one that has one. There's something I always wanted to do but never got to do because my friends aren't as spontaneous as I am. I feel like you'll say yes though.", Owen explained, making me only even more confused than I already was before.

"I'll ask again for the last time, where. are. we. going?", I pressed, now getting irritated with the boy. "Here.", he pointed to a lake, his hand wasn't on mine anymore, instead he opened his belt.

"Woah slow down there mate, I won't say yes to that!", I said eyes wide, his face held confusion for a second before turning into a state of shock. "NO! Oh my god no, not here! But I mean-if you want.", a smirk was playing on his lips as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, done with this topic.

"Shut up baby boy."

"Alright damn. Anyways what I actually meant is swimming in the lake at night. That's on my bucket list, I always wanted to do that, it looks like fun in all the movies.", he shrugged now pulling on the hem of his shirt, to say that I was speechless would be an understatement.

I think I'm pregnant.

How can someone look so holy while just standing there and doing nothing????!!!!!

"So you want to swim?", I choked out, trying to look away from his body.

For the love of god stop eye raping him girl.
Get yourself together have some dignity!

"Yeah and you're coming with me.", he grinned grabbing my hand once again. "Wait I can't do it, my clothes will be wet!", I exclaimed stopping him from throwing me into the water.

He looked at me as if I grew another head but I ignored him nevertheless and stripped out of my clothes quickly.

"I swear to god if I hear one word coming from your mouth I will castrate you.", I threatened as I walked towards the water with nothing but my underwear.

"Water bomb!", he yelled grabbing me by the waist, throwing himself and me into the cold water. "Oh my fucking god it's freezing!", I gasped already shivering underwater.

"I-I d-on't k-know w-hat y-you're t-talking a-about.", he stuttered. "Already regretting your bucket list?", I taunted, a small smile on my lips.

"N-no, come here.", before I knew it he pulled me into his chest holding me closely to him. Suddenly it wasn't so cold anymore, my skin was burning from his touch.

"Don't think I forgave you, baby boy."

"I would never, lucifer.", his eyes shone so brightly under the moonlight, I could almost identify their color and it scared me.

"Can we at least be friends now? I am sorry from the bottom of my heart, I didn't mean it. I guess I was actually scared that you were using me in a way but I know that was wrong and it was an asshole move to leave you alone in the tattoo shop. If you want I will even get a tattoo for you just to be equal."

"I didn't do it for you stupid boy!"

"I know you didn't, but now that you know that it's a constantly reminder of me, maybe you want me to have something that constantly reminds me of you.", he shrugged.

"Oh my god no Owen, I feel like you would actually do it what the heck no dumbass! I accept your crappy apology, let's just be friends and spare everyone the trouble of us fighting nonstop."

"You're right us fighting is very tiring.", he smirked, his hands were still on my waist, going up and down my burning skin. I could barely think, I honestly don't know if he's doing it on purpose or not but either way my head was a mess and blurred from everything else but him.

"Friends?", I asked, hoping I didn't sound out of breath.

"Friends.", Owen smiled brightly before splashing water on my face.

"Oh game on!", I yelled. Even though the water was so cold, the night was a memory I'd never forget. After a few minutes we put our clothes back on and returned to my party.

The thing that I haven't noticed through the night was that I had much more fun with Owen than at my own party that my friends organized for me.

I will notice it one day though...or won't I?


one fact about me,
I can't imagine my life without music,
what about you?
I wanna know something about you guys!
Where are you from?
I'm from germany hi,
my Halloween was great we had so much fun
and I honestly loved my outfit sm wow
hope you had a great day too,
with or without celebrating it💛
lots of love, stay healthy🌙

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