not my fault I swear!

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"Oh my god I haven't seen you in so long.", Madi embraced me in a hug excitedly. "I know, I'm sorry!", I pouted pulling her inside of my apartment. "What did I miss? How's your show? Are the people nice or do they all need some ass beating?", Madi asked letting herself down on the couch.

"They're all sweet, it's really great Madi! My costume is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life!", I gushed, plopping myself down next to her. "What about you? Still doing some promo?", I asked interested.

"Not really, there's a few every now and then but nothing major anymore. We're all currently just waiting for the announcement that there'll be a season two.", she told me as I handed her a bowl of chips that was on the table. "There better be a season two.", I huffed munching on my chips.

"Anyways there'll be a small gathering at Owen's tonight, you wanna come?", Madi asked me. "Sure. Who's gonna be there?", I asked curiously. "Sav, Jadah, Charlie and Jeremy.", she said making me nod. "I haven't seen them in a while either, I hope they aren't mad."

"Of course not, we all know how stressful everything can be so no worries girl! Now let's watch Wonder Woman!", she grinned as I pressed play, letting the movie start.

During the movie we had a small break where we ordered Chinese, after thirty minutes we finally got our food and continued with the movie, enjoying every second of it.

During the movie we had a small break where we ordered Chinese, after thirty minutes we finally got our food and continued with the movie, enjoying every second of it

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After we finished the movie and our food I got ready, changing into some cute clothes, brushing my hair and putting some light make up on. I packed my purse with some money, my keys and my phone. Madi texted her dad to pick us up so she could change at home quickly. "Alright let's go!", I dragged my friend out of my apartment, locking it. "I can't wait to see all their faces.", I laughed linking my arm with hers. "Well they're gonna be surprised that's for sure. Especially Owen.", Madi wiggled with her eyebrows making me scoff.

Madi's dad was so sweet, I introduced myself and through the entire ride he asked me about my work and how proud he was of Madi. He said whenever I needed help to call them, they would be there immediately. I was overwhelmed with the kindness, thanking her dad a hundred times in a row. Arriving at Madi's house, she introduced me to her family, showed me her room and got changed since we were already a little late.

Not my fault I swear!

Okay maybe it's not my fault that Madi has so many nice things at home and I just HAVE to touch it.


"Mads hey girl!", Owen squealed hugging the tiny woman, he still hasn't spotted me yet. "Owen I can't breathe stop!", Madi wiggled out of his grip. Owen being the oblivious one almost shut the door in my face, I quickly caught it with my foot.

"What the hell do you think you're doing baby boy?", I arched an eyebrow, crossing my arms. He opened the door wide, a surprised look on his face. The surprise turned quickly into a happy grin, his eyes shining in the light.

"Lucifer! I didn't know you'd come! Come in.", he grinned widely, I took a step into his apartment that I haven't seen since Halloween. He stood in front of me blocking the way, I looked up questionably.

"What now?"

"Oh nothing nothing just come in.", he laughed going through his hair. I took another step forward trying to walk through the small space that was free but the stupid boy stood once again in front of me smirking widely.

"Seriously? You're being childish right now.", I huffed trying to find a way to escape this dipshit. "Me? Childish? I really don't know what you're talking about?", he acted clueless.

I tried to push him but it was no use, he was stronger than me. I was honestly contemplating if I should hurt him where the sun doesn't shine.

But I'm not a monster!



It's a great thought though.

"Move, baby boy.", I was losing my temper.
"Make me, Lucifer.", he was still smirking.

Okay enough of this bullshit!

I stood still not moving for a while, he seemed suspicious but still clueless. I quickly jumped trying to get through his right, there was a small gap but apparently my plan was stupid because Owen followed my every move.

We ended up pressed to one another looking directly into each other's eyes breathless.

His eyes were so bright, green? blue? hazel?
I couldn't tell.

What I could tell was that both our breaths were staggered, our chests heaving up and down dramatically as if we ran a marathon.

My hands were grasping his shirt tightly while his hands were around my waist securely.

This must look so wrong.

I wish I could move to make it less awkward, but I couldn't.

Hell I could hardly breathe right now!

How am I supposed to move?

What the fuck is going on with me?


I'm back guys!
sorry for making you wait so long,
school's a bitch but what's new lol.
how have ya been?
I wasn't even outside the last few days
I can't wait to go out tomorrow
I need some fresh air
I'm losing my mind with all this work ugh,
lots of love,
stay healthy🌙

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