friends? enemies?

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"YOU WHAT-?!", Devon screamed, my entire apartment complex could hear her. "Shut the fuck up woman I have neighbors!", I flicked her head.

"Devon has all the right to react like that! YOU TWO KISSED?", it was Madi's turn to yell, Savannah was just looking at me not knowing what to say. "Yes gosh calm your titties we aren't married...yet.", I was the only one laughing at my joke.


"My head hurts from all this tea.", Sav commented rubbing her forehead. "Honestly I'm still waiting for an explanation why you run off like that.", Madi had her arms crossed, a serious look on her face. "What do you want to hear? We both panicked, I guess we didn't want an interrogation like what's happening right now.", I pointed out giving everyone a cup of tea.

"What's this thing between you two anyways.", Sav asked while casually sipping her tea. "HONEY GET WOKE THESE ARE SENSITIVE TIMES!", Madi yelled causing a loud laugh to escape my mouth.

"Oh shut up Mads.", Savannah shook her head chuckling. "She's right though what are you? Are you friends? Enemies? Can you like fucking decide!", Dev exclaimed going through her hair.

"We are civilized-"
"WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN LIKE HONESTLY WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? ARE Y'ALL FUCKING AND BEING NICE IN THE PROCESS OR?!", Dev yelled completely done with this topic, Madi choked on her tea, eyes wide.

"Dev no! We are just being nice to each other, we aren't friends. We needed some company after running off so we spend the day together, nothing major.", I waved it off but they were still skeptical about it. "Alright if that helps you sleep at night, great! Moving on to the next topic, Sean.", Sav clapped her hands looking at me excitedly.


"Gosh Em do we have to pull everything out of your nose? Tell us if you like him!", Madi asked, now also excited as Savannah. Devon on the other hand held a skeptical look on her face, something wasn't right I couldn't put my mind to it though.

I would eventually find out I guess.

"Yes. I really really like him. He's so sweet to me and treats me like a princess, he's perfect.", I gushed, my cheeks heating up just from thinking about him. "We're so happy for you girl!", Sav smiled giving me a hug. "Thank you.", I grinned.

"Now go change we wanna show you something.", Dev shooed me out of my living room, a frown forming on my face. "You can't order me around it's my house."

"If you haven't noticed over the years yet, I don't give a flying fuck.", she yelled back. "Not even a swimming fuck?", I returned to the living room, she gave me her infamous Emmie look.

I should've known, she hasn't used it in a long time now.

"Okay okay I'm leaving sheesh, no need to be a bitch about it.", I mumbled but she heard me anyways. "GO CHANGE YOU IMBECILE!"

"Where are we going?""None of your business!", Dev spat

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"Where are we going?"
"None of your business!", Dev spat.
"You wanted to show ME something, not the other way round.", I huffed, the girls ignored my plead not saying a word. "Alright ignore me then, bitches.", I mumbled annoyed with my friends. "Oh come on Em you'll love it!", Madi engulfed me in a side hug.
"If you say so.", I shrugged entering Devons car.


"You want to kill me!", I eyed my friends seeing that we were approaching an empty building. "Shit she got us.", Dev sighed, I gave her the finger while the girls giggled behind us.

"Well what else-", I began but the words got caught in my throat.
"SURPRISE!", everyone yelled causing me fall to the ground. I stood up completely embarrassed, my friends were laughing loudly. "I almost peed!", I exclaimed, Dev had tears in her eyes from all the laughter.

"Congratulations on your new role!", Sacha hugged me happily, a smile forming on my lips. "Thank you everyone, this is amazing! I honestly wasn't expecting that.", I chuckled hugging my new friends.

"Congratulations Lucifer."
"Thank you baby boy.", he send me a grin, I mirrored him smiling widely.

"Let's get something to drink, it's party time!", Devon pulled me away from Owen towards a table that was filled with drinks and snacks.

"So you organized all this for me?", I asked my best friend. "Don't get too cocky now, it's a one time thing.", she pulled her tongue out at me. "It's nice to know that you love me so much.", I grinned, she gave me a push. "Fuck off Emmie."

I love my friends so much.


happy halloween everyone!
This is shorter than usual but I just had
no time to write more, I'm extremely busy
rn but I won't let u down I promise!
What's your costume for today???
I'm being the devil, very accurate lol
I'm also being a hoe so that's nice,
lots of love, stay healthy🌙

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