knife to my chest

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The game began, since we were such a large group, it took some time until it was my turn again. I was sitting next to Sacha, getting to know him better. He was such a sweet guy, he told me about his experience during Julie and the phantoms, telling me all the tricks they used to make everything so real, it was mind blowing.

"It's your turn Emerson.", Owen walked up to me handing me the bowling ball harshly causing a gasp to leave my lips. I stood up from my seat, holding his stare but walking off to the pins. I was lucky enough and hit every single pin, everyone else cheered but Owen. It was now Sachas turn and the others went back to chatting as I made my way towards Owen who was still standing next to my seat, a sour expression on his face.

"What the fuck is up in your face Owen?", I asked pissed about his attitude towards me. I get it, he hates me but being immature about it isn't helping anyone. "You. You are up my face Emerson! Why are you here? Just fucking go home and stop hanging out with my friends.", he spat, the anger written in his eyes. "They aren't just your friends okay? They like me and I like them, we're friends too, stop acting so childish about it, we're adults.", I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in annoyance. "I'm acting childish? Me? You're a joke Emerson.", everything he said hurt, like a knife hitting my chest.

I wasn't used to a person hating me this much.

There were lots of people that hated me online, but this was something else, everything he said hurt so much. Probably because I was actually hoping we would become friends again one day. I guess I can throw that out of the window now.

There was this feeling in my body and it was aching for him to like me but my pride made it so hard for me to be nice. I couldn't and I know that I won't be nice to him anytime soon. I have to live with it and move on that's the only solution that will work. But I somehow doubt the whole process of me moving on.

"You know words hurt right? I do not expect you to like me or be my friend but at least be respectful about it. Be the bigger person or something.", I walked out to the toilets, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

I'm not gonna cry? No.

That was what I was telling myself over and over again while my chest was heaving up and down rapidly.

"Em,", Madi came rushing towards me, embracing me in a tight hug, calming my shaking body. "I'm sorry-I", I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

This is not the time to cry Emerson, get over yourself.

This boy isn't worth it and your make up was too expensive for that.

I opened my eyes and shook my head, taking one step away from Madi smiling lightly. "I'm fine Madi. I'm sorry about that, I just needed a moment I guess. Everything's good now, let's go. I want to win this game!", I pulled her with me, not giving her a chance to reply or confront me about it.

We continued playing the game, I ignored Owen for the rest of the night. Jeremy and Carolynn were such a cute couple, they really love each other so much. Charlie was always with Owen, probably trying to get his mind off me, so we didn't talk that much that night. But all in all I was very proud of myself, I got along with almost everyone and they were truly nice and not fake like other people I met before. We ordered pizza and ate happily, talking about how Jadah and I had the same amount of points so technically we both won. "I'm pretty sure I won first though.", Jadah joked making me giggle. "Whatever floats your boat hun.", I smirked and finished my last slice of pizza.

"Alright guys it was a great night but I should probably go now it's pretty late and I've to get up early.", I stood up from my seat and waved. They all said their goodbyes, Madi mouthing to text her before I left. I just exited the building when a voice yelled 'wait!'. I turned around, completely confused when my green eyes met Owen's indescribable ones.

"Wait a second Emerson."
"What do you want? I really got no time for yelling, my Uber is waiting.", I sighed but his hands grabbed my wrists tightly, making it impossible for me to leave. "We gotta talk.", he explained pulling me towards a car, he opened the passenger seat and pushed me inside locking it right after.

"What the fuck Owen?!", I yelled, my eyes widening in surprise. He opened his door and got in before I could escape. "Listen Emerson." "OWEN YOU KIDNAPPED ME WHAT THE FUCK!", I yelled loudly, he only huffed next to me not moving an inch.
"Are you done freaking out now?", he asked almost bored.
"My Uber-"
"Great. Can I talk now.", he interrupted me immediately, my mouth was wide open but I was speechless.

This boy.

"So as I was saying, we need to talk. You were right."
"Of cour-"
"Shut up Emerson it's my turn.", I closed my mouth, not ready to die in the next few minutes.

"I should respect you even if I don't like you hanging out with my friends. But yeah as you said they aren't just my friends.", he replied a tiny smile on his face.
"Alright so we're being civilized with each other?", I asked again, just to make sure I got it right.

"Yes. To show you that I actually mean what I'm saying, I'll give you a ride home.", he said giving me a look. "Don't get used to it though."

"I won't Owen.", music was silently playing through the speakers as I told him my address, it was a rather silent ride but neither of us seemed to mind.
"Thanks for the ride.", he nodded as I opened the door and walked out.

"Goodnight baby boy."
"Night Lucifer."


lowkey nothing that spicy happened in this chapter but I got it all planned out don't worry *smirks* comment your thoughts and leave a vote if you liked this chapter, lots of love, stay healthy🌙

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