Julie and the who?

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"Shut up, you're talking nonsense.", I flicked him off, my cheeks flaming from embarrassment.
"No I'm not. You're gonna be my future wife I can tell.", he smirked while I played with my fingers nervously.
"If that's your way of flirting then you're doing a horrible job baby boy.", I pointed out, downing my drink.

"Oh really? I think your pink cheeks say otherwise.", he chuckled as I gave him the finger.
"Alright it's getting cold, I really need to change.", Owen spoke, standing up from his seat holding the costume tightly in his hands. I followed his actions, pulling my dress down. I really do love skirts and dresses but sitting is just a different type of uncomfortable in them.

And standing up again is even worse.

"So you're leaving huh?", I asked him, crossing my arms in front of me due to the cold.
"You wanna tag along? We can even come back if you want, my apartment isn't far from here, I just really need to change since I'm basically naked.", he laughed, showing his naked chest.
"Okay! Okay no need to strip naked for me!", I shrieked, shielding my eyes.
"Get over yourself grandma. So are you coming or not?", he asked me making me nod.
"Sure why not, my friend will force me to mingle with someone else if you leave and I'm not really ready for that.", I told him the truth, a small smile forming on his lips.

"You're not really a social person are you?"
"Not really, Devon is the one who knows everyone. I like meeting new people don't get me wrong but I just don't like the awkward getting to know each other stage. I also feel like it's hard to find good friends at parties like this one because everyone's so uptight and cocky, they're just fake. Typical Hollywood people you know?", he nodded, listening to my rant quietly.

"So I'm fake?", he gasped holding his heart.
"Yeah you're so fake!", I nodded my head.
"Gee thanks Lucifer, so you're in your true form today. I thought we were dressing up as someone else.", the drama queen exclaimed causing me to roll my eyes in response.

"For knowing me just a few hours you're being very bitchy and confident, you should really watch out. Being on my bad side isn't funny.", I pointed out as we walked through the empty streets of LA.

"Wait that isn't your bad side?", he replied shocked, I gave him a shove, pulling my tongue out as a response.

"So tell me do I know any movies or shows you're playing in?", I asked him as we entered his apartment building.

"Mostly Nickelodeon shows, like 100 things to do before high school or knight squad.", I shook my head not knowing any of these shows. He opened the door of his apartment, letting me go in first, like the gentleman he is.

Yeah no.

He pushed himself inside first, well...he tried but it was hard even without the air in his costume.

"I'm sure you heard of Julie and the phantoms though? It's a new show on Netflix, tell your friends.", he smirked, holding in a laugh, I didn't understand why it was so funny though.

I walked inside, looking around, after the long hall I could see his living room on the left. It was spacious and beautiful, he held it very simple but in a good way, for a boy he was very clean and tidy.

"No sorry, never heard of it."

"What?!", his head peeked through the door that was across the living room, I assume it's his bedroom.
"I SAID I NEVER HEARD OF IT!", I yelled loudly, completely ignoring the fact that it was past 5am.

"You have to watch it! If you wanna be friends you gotta do that for me!", he walked out of his room, now in a pink sweater and black jeans.

"You have to watch it! If you wanna be friends you gotta do that for me!", he walked out of his room, now in a pink sweater and black jeans

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"Wait, you wanna be friends?! I thought we would ignore each other after this!", I said shocked.
"Quit that shit, we'll start tomorrow. You'll come to my apartment and we'll watch it together, you agree? Great.", he clapped in his hands ignoring my protests making me huff.
"Fine. You'll do me a favor in return though.", I said causing him to arch an eyebrow.
"Nothing bad I promise."
"What is it?", he asked as he plopped himself down on his couch.
"You see, I have this bucket list and one of the things that's on my list is getting a tattoo spontaneously. And I need you to tag along, so I'm not alone.", I grinned happily, he shook his head.
"Awh come on! I'm not forcing you to get one I just need mental support.", I was pouting by now.
"Now?", he sighed making me jump up and down happily.
"Well yes! It's spontaneous!"
"It's 5:30 in the morning! Let's eat and watch a movie or something, I think there's a tattoo shop close by that opens around 8.", he offered.

"Free food? I'm not gonna say no to this!", I smiled making him groan.
"I was hoping you'd cancel."
"You must be excited that I didn't then!", the sarcasm was dripping from my words.
"I'll show you the kitchen come.", he stood up and I followed him to the kitchen that was small just like mine.




btw fun fact: the first word you see before the actual chapter starts is always the word of the day, it represents the entire chapter!🌙

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