fuck me he looks good

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"Hey Madi!", I hugged the tiny girl.
"Em!", I was honestly proud of myself, I made it without any problems and I was actually looking forward to us bowling. "Where are the girls?", I asked as we walked towards the building, it was a restaurant that had a bowling area so we could easily get something to eat afterwards without having to go somewhere else. "They should be here in a few minutes.", Madi replied shrugging.

"How's it going with the boy you told me about, what's his name again? Steven?", I snorted at the name, shaking my head. "His name is Sean but you were close.", I giggled.

"He's a great guy, we're going on a date on Wednesday.", I gushed, a light blush forming on my cheeks. "I'm so happy for you Em! I-", she began but got quickly interrupted by Jadah who scared the living daylights out of us.

"AHHHH STOP I COULD'VE DROPPED MY CROISSANT!", Madi yelled out making me laugh.

"Hello to you too Mads.", Jadah rolled her eyes, giving her a quick hug, she turned her head towards me, a wide smile playing on her lips. "So we finally meet. Hey Emerson, I'm Jadah it's so nice to meet you. I was looking for you at the party but Mads told me you already left.", she hugged me as I gave her a sheepish smile.
"Yeah sorry about that, I had a rough day.", I lied.


They're all friends with Owen, they would probably take his side over mine any day.

"No worries, are you ready to get your ass whooped though? I'm the bowling champion and I never lose.", she told me confidently as I arched an eyebrow. "Okay well I lost once against Jeremy but that was just because he had a lucky day.", she pointed out while Madi shook her head mouthing 'liar'.

"Oh shut up you're just moping cause you always lose.", Jadah shoved Madi, I laughed loudly. I looked around searching for Savannah who should've arrived already, that's where my mouth went dry and my eyes opened wide in shock.

"You're fucking kidding me right now.", I couldn't even look away, the shock was still hitting me pretty hard.

"What's wrong?", Madi turned around, her own words getting stuck in her throat.
"Who invited him?", I asked completely irritated. Savannah arrived with Owen, Charlie, Sacha, a boy with black hair and a girl, probably his girlfriend, who had brown hair in a tow.

"What about girls night?", I asked perplexed, Madi shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Looks like it's an entire cast night.", Jadah replied not really knowing why I was freaking out so much.

I don't blame her, she doesn't know anything.

"Great.", I said sarcastically.

"Hey guys! I hope it's alright, I invited all our friends over to our traditional bowling night. ", Savannah hugged us all, completely oblivious to the fact that I was screaming inside.

"Hey Emerson.", Charlie had an apologetic smile on his face while I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in. "This is Jeremy and his wife Carolynn.", Charlie introduced us, I gave them a polite smile before turning towards Sacha who was waiting patiently.

"My fangirl.", he grinned.
"Fanboy hey.", I giggled.

"Come on Em let's get our shoes!", Madi dragged me towards a desk where you can get your shoes. "Thank you, you're an angel! Honestly it's so awkward, I couldn't even look into his direction.", I let out as the guy behind the desk gave us our shoes, we thanked him and left to our reserved table. "He looks horrible tonight, really ugly.", she nodded her head.

"I don't know who you're trying to convince but you're a terrible liar.", I snorted looking for a second into his direction. He wore a pink shirt, and some black pants, over his pink shirt he wore a grey jacket.

All in all he looked handsome as hell and it was annoying the shit out of me.

All in all he looked handsome as hell and it was annoying the shit out of me

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"Fuck me, he looks good.", I babbled out not realizing my mistake.

"Oh-My-God.", Madi turned towards me, a big fat grin covering her lips.

"What?", I asked oblivious.
"Oh my god."

"Madi what the-"

"Are you done now-"
"OH MY FREAKING GOD!", she almost attacked me yelling into my ear.

"Madi stop, what has gotten into you? Stop yelling, the fuck? I need my ears thank you very much.", I replied back but this girl only shook me harder.

"Don't you even dare finish that sentence. I swear to god it won't end well.", I warned, she immediately became silent.

"Now explain.", I arched an eyebrow waiting patiently for her to open up.
"You like Owen.", she chuckled, she looked like she won something, my face was still blank.

"Come again?"

"You like him! That's why you're constantly talking about him.", she smirked.
"I'm not!", I protested.
"And I do not like him. He's an asshole. It's just-he's a very good looking asshole that's all.", I explained letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, no worries. Tonight, I will bring you two together. We still got time.", she was rubbing her hands, an evil look on her face.

"Madi no. Honestly please drop it or I'll have to drop your face instead.", I threatened but she only waved me off.

"Shush little child, it's Cupid's time to shine."

I swear to god I'm gonna kill her by the end of the night.

And if it's not Madi I'm killing, it'll probably be Owen instead.

Either way someone's gonna die tonight.


Let the games begin MUAHAHA...*cough cough* I'm just joking, I hope you had a great day, I always love reading your comments so thank you for reading, lots of love, stay healthy🌙

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