Chapter 52

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Marcus sat on a stool in the kitchen counter and stared at me in frustration.

"Why are you so moody today?" I asked him while making a soup for me.

He leaned back and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Marcus speak" I blew the soup and drank it sip by sip.

"You had been like this since you woke up. You are not gonna tell me what's wrong?"

"You really don't know what's wrong?" Marcus asked, irritation lacing his voice.

I innocently shook my head and Marcus let out a low groan in anger. I offered him soup but he just continued to glare at me.

Madeline was cleaning the pool saying she can't handle the tension inside. Marcus had been firing up the entire morning with his silent treatment and constant huffing and puffing.

I kept my hands on the kitchen counter and leaned to his face. "Tell me what's wrong"

"Why would I, when you don't even care"

I threw my hands up in the air. What the hell is wrong with him? I cupped his face with my palms and angled his head to me. But he gripped my wrists and pulled my hands away.

"Oh my god. I can't deal with this. Does men suddenly have periods?"

"I'm going to work" Marcus got up and walked outside with his keys. I ran after him but he got in the car and drove off.

Annoyed, I stomped inside and sat on the couch to cool down. Madeline looked at me in pity and then walked inside, muttering to herself.

I stood up to get dressed but my head started spinning and I felt bile rising up my throat. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and emptied everything I ate.

I rinsed my mouth before sitting down on the bathroom floor. I leaned on the bathtub and massaged my temples.

Does my body now function according to Marcus's moods?

Finally after a few painful moments I drove off to my office. Everyone at the entrance greeted me but I didn't since my entire morning was ruined by Marcus. I glared at everyone and strode inside in fury. But I came to an abrupt halt seeing my receptionist eyeing me and then tapping furiously on her phone.

I felt something suspicious so I snatched her phone. I scrolled through it and saw that there was a company group chat about me. And the group's name was bad ass boss. I opened it and everyone was talking about my mood in the morning.

I looked around the lobby and all my employees from the top floors were leaning on the spiral staircase, staring at me in fear. I stomped to the center and looked up.

"Is this what you do instead of working? Gossiping about me?" A moment later the company bursted into loud noises as everyone began whispering to each other.

One death glare from me shut them up.

"That's it. I'm coming to inspect you all"

Suddenly a chorus of gasps were heard and everyone started running to their floors. At the moment I felt like a principal in a school feared by all students. But I cared less.

I walked up the stairs but Sarah jumped in and stopped me.

"Ma'am no one is prepared for an inspection. We thought you would be taking the day off for-"

"Day off for what?"

"For a date with Mr. Anderson"

"Why would I suddenly go on a date with him?"

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