Chapter 48

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(1 week before the events of chapter 47)

I sat up in my bed once I woke up, and I quickly walked to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair a little, letting it flow over my eyes.

I pushed it up but it fell back down again, causing me to roll my eyes.

I walked back into the room and changed into my outfit, sighing with every movement.

"Hey Blake..." I heard Adrielle yell from outside of my door.

"You're gonna want to see this." She said as I opened the door.

"See what?" I asked as we walked to the main room.

I saw everyone gathered around the small tv, with Kendron looking angrily at it.

I furrowed my eyebrows and pushed everyone slightly so that I could get a look.

It was set to the news channel, and I saw a reporter talking.

It flipped to another reporter, who was outside.

I froze, my eyes widening as I stepped back.

It was my father, in his hero suit.

"What does it feel like to be coming out of retirement?" The reporter smiled as she moved the microphone to him.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

He's out of retirement? After everything he did?

"Blake are you okay?" Adrielle sighed as she put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna kill him." I clenched my fists tighter.

"You can. Just not now Blake it's not time-" Kendron started, but I cut him off.

"I don't care if it's not time, he deserves to die. Now that he's a hero again I can kill him, and expose everything he did." I laughed.

"Nobody will ever trust heroes again! It's perfect." I smiled.

"Blake I thought you didn't want to kill anybody." Adrielle sighed, her hand still on my shoulder.

"That was before. I have nothing to lose now!" I tugged my shoulder away.

"I won't let you kill him yet. Wait until we have the weapon. It will make everything so much easier. With the chaos of the public when they find out there are more people with powers then it seems, and with the chaos of you killing your father, there's no way we'll lose." Kendron plotted with a smirk.

"Well then you better finish the weapon faster. It's been months, hurry up." I scoffed.

"People are grabbing one of the last items as we speak. Now that the best team in the school isn't there, this is a peace of cake." Kendron said, making me cringe.

"You know not to bring that up Ken." Adrielle scolded, crossing her arms.


Adrielle rolled her eyes and apologized to me, to which I just stayed silent.

I had managed to stop thinking about them for the past week, but whenever Kendron mentions them I break the streak.

"With your father back and basically the whole country knowing who we are, this is gonna be pretty hard. Oh and Blake, nobody mentioned your name in the news. Only a brief description." Adrielle sighed.

"Meaning that the only people who know who you are, are the heroes. Yet, none of them know who you actually are." She continued.

"Even the heroes don't know your father's real identity. If people found out that would have ruined our whole plan."

"Does that mean that the one girl saved our asses? You know, the snow blonde one?" Maniac said, making me widen my eyes.

I took a deep breath and held myself back from saying or doing anything.


I miss calling her that.

"What did we tell you." Adrielle yelled, bringing her hand up and pushing a smoke over to Maniac to make him stop talking.

"But, you're right." Kendron agreed with Maniac, and Adrielle nodded.

She didn't reveal me, even though she easily could have. The whole team could have revealed me to the world.

Then when I would have tried to expose my father, people would claim it as lies. They would see me as a crazy teenage boy who tried to be a hero, but failed.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath, trying to stop myself from diving deeper into my annoying thoughts.

"Blake, you should go get some water or something." Adrielle said, her eyes filled with worry.

"I'll be uh, right back." I stammered, slowly making my way out of the room. I took deeper breaths as I walked, trying to calm myself down.

Everything combined is just overwhelming. 

I don't want to do this anymore. I like being in the villain league, it gives me a sense of family, and care, and I could never leave them. But I don't know if I can handle the guilt.

Taylor was amazing to me. Understanding, kind, and she never gave up on me, even if I acted stupid.

Even when I revealed I was a villain, she still looked at me with love in her eyes. Despite her face showing how betrayed she felt, I saw in her eyes that she loved me.

But I only ever noticed it after she said it.

She's so perfect. I broke her entire heart without a second fucking thought.

I'm such a terrible person. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve anyone.

I finally made it back to my room and I went to the bathroom sink immediately, turning it on as soon as I could.

I splashed the cold water on my face multiple times, almost as if I was trying to numb my face, like it would help my emotions.

I looked at myself in the mirror above the sink and froze.

I don't even recognize myself anymore. 

My father didn't make me like this. He didn't ruin my life.

I did this.

I chose to betray them. 

I could have refused. 

Kendron would have understood, I know he would have. 

If I had waited until we had the weapon the plan would have been more efficient anyways. They wouldn't have even known what was going on after we used the weapon on everyone.

I would have had time with Taylor, with Lucas, with everyone.

Hell, I could have even had a happy hero moment where I realized that what I was doing was wrong.

I could have betrayed the villain league instead!

But no. I'm not a hero. I never will be. 

I never wanted to be one, purely because of my dad.

But now, I don't want a be a hero because I know it's not possible.

I know what I'm doing is wrong.

And I'm okay with that.


A/N: heeeyyyyyyy :)

ideas in the comments lol

reminder: ur cool I promise (also try that clothing style, I know you'll rock it)

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