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김승희's pov (Kim Seunghee)
"He really asked you?" Sunwoo, whom previously laid his head on my lap, quickly raised his head up as his eyes widened. "Oi you're sick be careful gosh- and yes he did."

"What did you tell him?" He nibbled on his chips, waiting for my response as I just gave him a shrug. "I just told him I'd think about it...."

"You kidding? You've been wanting to help him-."
"Yeah I do but I don't know."
"Ah, you're confusing. Do you perhaps still like him?"

I choked on my sprite a bit. "What? No no, I told you, I'm over him. It's been years geez Sunwoo." He chuckled softly. "I know, just asking~ well if that honestly was the case, why did you want to help him?"

"Because he helped me back then too."
"Then go and help him!" He exclaimed like a child. "Erm... ahh okay I guess. Enough about me and school. How's my sunshine?"

He smiled. "All better now that my best friend's here!" I ruffled his hair. "Ah you little dork, get well soon hm? Don't worry I'll send you my notes once you're better. Just get lots of rest for now."

Sunwoo nodded. "Eat lots too- well that won't be a problem since you do it almost every day -."
"He does, it confuses me how he's even sick" his mother interrupted.

I chuckled. "I guess my immune system just said no" Sunwoo shrugged before laughing a bit. "No worries I'm Kim Sunwoo.!"

"You better, I don't wanna be left alone at the cafeteria again"
"You have Hyunjin to keep you accompany for a while so not really worried about that."
"How do you know that?"
"Like I said, I'm Kim Sunwoo."

Day one.

I walked into the empty classroom, being greeted by the sight of a sad boy, once again. But this time he was listening to music. His face shown a sad kind of expression which made it obvious what kind of music he's listening to.

Ah, Hwang Hyunjin...

I sighed and took a deep breath in before approaching him with a smile on my face, taking one of the earbuds to put it in my ear.

"you- I didn't even tell you to- you didn't even-." He scoffed, lost in words. "Hm just wanted to know what song you were listening to~."

"You really don't know what personal space means don't you?" He raises his eyebrow at me but my smile only grows wider.
"Do you listen to Paul Kim?"

I gasped dramatically then shook my head in denial before offering my hand for the phone. "Here let me." I said, my eyes looking at him then at the phone. "Why would I-."

"Trust me"
"You're bossy, you know that?" He responded but still handed me the phone anyways.

"Yeah I do, you're not the first person to call me tha-." I gasped at his lock screen, exclaiming, "Is this your dog?? It's adorable!!!"

"It's a he, not an it also, yes I know that very well."
"Well, I didn't wanna assume the gender so- what's his name?" I excitedly asked.
"Why do you want to know?"
"I- Kkami. His name is Kkami."

"Awhh did you think of that??" I looked over at him, as he was about to take back the phone from my hands. "Look are you gonna use my phone or-."

"Ah okay okay, sorry too many questions again, uhm.. password please?" He pointed at the lock screen picture, referring to His dog.

Typing in 'Kkami' I spoke, "Who wouldn't have guessed that-." He shrugged in response as I scrolled through his music tunes. "Hm maybe I should make you a playlist!"

I bit my lower lips a bit, making sure to put all the best songs that I know into a playlist, naming it ':)'. "Here" I handed him back his phone after I played a song.

"Every day, every moment?"
"Mhm, it's my favorite song~ I don't know why but I bet you'll like it too" I smiled before closing my eyes shut, humming along with the song.

황현진's pov (Hwang Hyunjin)
I watched her shut her eyes close with a smile. "Hm." I bit my inner cheeks as I listened to the song and its lyrics, closing my eyes as well.

'The person who protected me through my hard times, now I'll protect you.'

The person who protected me.. drifted away already.
Or- is it just me?

"It's nice isn't it?" I heard her speak. "Yeah- I guess."
"By the way, I've decided." She looked up at me.

"Decided what?"

"I'll help you. I'll try to, at least."



"—Under one condition though"
"And that is?" I raised an eyebrow as her face quickly lit up with a proud-like smile. "Buy me banana milk every day!"

"That's it?"
"Yeah? Why? You want more?"
"Nah I'm good, that's a deal. Thank you."

Should I really trust myself with this?

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