Trouble at the bar

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You and Harry just wanted to hang out tonight. But then he gave you the idea of going to a club tonight for a drink, to just hang and dance. You personally loved the idea. Its been about 2 ½ months that you and Harry have been dating and couldn’t ask for anything more, harrys just amazing. 

You went to go take a shower before he got to your house. After that, you got yourself ready and just wore a tang top with a black crop shirt over it with like neon colors and regular skinny jeans. You thought It looked pretty cute(:. The door bell rings and as you run down to get it. A figure was just standing there with flowers covering their face. They pull them down slowly and there was Harry. 

Running to Harry jumping on him hugging him. Pulling back and gave him a small kiss. “You ready babe”? He asked you sweetly “Yeah let me just put these flowers in a vase and get my shoes. You went to get a glass vase and put the flowers in water. Got your cute black flats that you really liked and put ‘em on. As you walked outside Harry shut the door behind you two.

‘What a gentlemen you thought’ walking outside hand in hand with each other. He opened the door for you and he was smiling from one dimple to another, you got in the car. Both left the house and it took about 20 minutes to get there. It was pretty far but you didn’t mind as long as you were with him. Within that 20 minutes both of you just talked about random things that came to your heads.

When you got to the club the security guard asked ID’s. Both gave the guy your ID’s, Thank goodness you were old enough to go in. Harry took your hand and both took a seat at the bar. He said that he would be right back with drinks. All of a sudden this guy sat next to you and just stares. Like what the F**K does he think he’s doing, that seats taken

YOU: Can I help you?

GUY: You are looking fine tonight! He said with a smile biting his bottom lip like he was getting horny.

YOU: Umm who are you to come and talk me telling me I am beautiful. I have a boyfriend.

GUY: Well I don’t see him with you soo….

YOU: He went to get us drinks. ‘Trying to say with a fake smile’.

Harry comes walking and see’s you with that freaky f**k. He drops the drinks on the floor with the glass everywhere broken in pieces.                  you gasp.


GUY: Hanging with her, you mind?

Harry and the guy are facing each other angrily then Harry goes right in for a punch to the cheek. The guy knocks out right on the ground. Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you to the car to leave. The ride home was quiet, until you got home of course. He sat down, his face was red as a tomato.

HARRY: Why the HELL were you with him give me one good reason?

YOU: I wasn’t sitting with him he came up sat down and started talking and me, you know I would defend my self it something like that happened.

HARRY: Oh so your saying that he just came up and started talking to you and you went along with him, is that what your saying?

YOU: No! Why are you acting like this? I’m telling you the truth!

HARRY: Whatever I am leaving!

Harry darts right out the front door, leaving tears in your eyes. You didn’t quite understand why he didn’t believe you, you were telling the truth


I don’t get why she would do that to me! I leave for 5 seconds and there she is sitting there and flirting with another guy. I don’t even know if she’s telling me the truth like she said.

I was thinking about calling her but then I was afraid of getting mad again and then wind up giving her an attitude. I didn’t need anything else to go wrong, I love [Y/N] so much.


~*And I cant decriiibe but there’s something about the way you look tonight, yeah, girl you take my breath away*~

Your phone started to ring on the night table next to the bed where you had thrown it after harry had darted out of the house. You’ve had always liked that song.

Harrys picture popped up on the phone screen cause the call was from him. Slowly you lean over to reach for the phone and pick it up…

YOU: hello‘as you try to make your voice sound good as posible’

HARRY: I’m really sorryabout earlier I should have just trusted you from the beginning I love [Y/N] do you forgive me

A smile started to appear on your face but just a little one

YOU:I love you too harry ‘saying with another smile’

 HARRY: ill prove it to you that I’m really truly sorry

YOU: and what are you going to do exactly? ‘With the most confused look on your face’

HARRY: ---------------

YOU: hel-------------

The line went dead. You slid your phone back on to the dresser and walked down stairs to make some food.


'Ding dong' your doorbell rang. You glanced over at the clock to wonder who in the world is here at 7pm. You quickly wash your hands and head off to answer the door. It was Harry he had an ashamed smile on his face but slowly looked up at you willingly.

“I’m sorry” he said to you. “but then why did you dart out of the house like tha---- harry cut you off but pulling you into him and kissing you passionally. A smile grew across your face and butterflies piled up in your stomach. Harry and yourself walked inside and sat in front of the fire.

After a while harry decided to be gentlemen and make a nice diner for two with candles and a lovely rose in the center of the table. Your words froze and you became speechless everything was beautiful. Diner was great as well, but after you two ate you sat down on the couch with his arm wrapped around you and your head against his chest. Harry kissed your head sweetly. You look up and asked, “What was that for haz?” he smiles and answers back “well im just really lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend like you [Y/N] I really am I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else I this world than right here with you”

You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you blush. You were able to see yourself in Harry’s eyes and noticed how he glanced at your lips once and a while. He slowly leans in and his soft lips are right on yours ‘this couldn’t get any better’ You thought to yourself.

And that was the moment you knew that Harry Styles was definaly the one

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