Chapter 22

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These past weeks I missed school so much my parents tried to ground me, but I'd still sneak out. They even considered a boarding school and I just laughed in their face.

"Go ahead, I'll cause even more trouble," I said smirking and they were beyond tired of me, they also considered sending me away to my grandma.

Needless to say, my 'grandma' doesn't consider me her real grandkid. She thinks all adopted kids are trouble.

They quickly realized she wouldn't be able to keep up with me.

I finally stopped contacting Dominic and James for coke.

I started hanging out in that bar and I found someone who could get me coke, sadly, I have to pay for it. I took everything I could sell from my room and I have a bit of spare now.

He told me his name is Felix, I know it's fake, he also mentioned what his 'friends' do to people who snitch.

I'm going to sneak out tonight to meet up with him at that bar.

It's been three days since I did coke, I'm going insane without it.


Sweet home. Yeah, this bar became my place, where I can be a mysterious twenty-two years old woman while snorting coke in the bathroom and doing God knows what with strangers.

Even when I'm not high, I don't feel like myself. My mentality has completely shifted.

We usually exchange the cocaine and money in the underground parking spot of the bar, before entering.

"This isn't enough. It's 100 dollars short." Felix spits on the ground and gives me a hateful look, he isn't the nicest drug dealer.

"I'll give you the other half next time. I just don't know what to sell anymore," I plead, hopefully, he understands.

He grabs my wrist forcefully.

"Listen here, little girl. We aren't playing around, if you don't give it to me tomorrow evening, I'll come after you and everyone you talk to," he warns me as he grabs my wrist harder and I let a whimper out.

Where do I find more money?!

Felix gives me only a bit of coke, he says he will give me the rest next time. It's barely enough for one line.

Fuck, what the fuck am I gonna do with one line?

I need at least three.

"Can't you give me the rest now? You know where I live. I can't even run away," I beg again.

He looks at me with an evil look for a few seconds, then he finally sighs, taking a hit from his cigarette.

"You could do something else for me." He smirks and my stomach turns upside down, understanding what he meant.

I cannot do it if I'm not completely high or drunk.

"Here," he orders coming closer to my face. What?

"W-what do you mean?" I ask him, my eyes almost watering but I try to stop it.

"Put that pretty mouth to good use, there is no one here," he says and I can feel his breath on my neck, the smoke from his cigarette invading my nose.

What the fuck? He means- a blow job? I cannot... do that. I haven't tried that not even high, I think. I don't remember. I can't even kiss someone when I'm sober.

"Okay, baby. Then no drugs for you."

"No!" I need it more than anything, I physically and mentally cannot function anymore. I'm cranky all the time.

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