Chapter 25

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I planned everything strategically, it's been two months since I was locked in my home with my parents. They are starting to trust me again but not entirely.

And since we are on Christmas break, they decided to take a two weeks holiday at grandma's house.

I agreed, otherwise they would have suspected something was wrong. I convinced them for weeks that we are going together, and in two days we are supposed to leave.

They would never leave me alone at home, unless...

My mom enters my room and she frantically looks for the baggage.

"Did you get everything?" My mom asks and locks eyes with me as I give her a fake reassuring smile.

"Yes, mom, I packed everything I need," I say happily, as happy as I can pretend to be.

"I'm excited to see my grandma and the dogs."

"Me too, sweetie," my mom says and it seems that she fell into my trap.

I acted so excited about this trip, they genuinely feel like I'm old Me.

I only got better at lying.

Not smoking anything for almost two months was excruciatingly irritating and challenging. I cried so many times at night but I didn't give up. I kept everything in, but now I'm ready to let go... and have fun.

It's almost dinner time.

I go downstairs, smiling warmly at my dad and he exchanges it.

We all sit at the table waiting for mom to grab the bread.

"I see you are doing better, Veronica, we are considering sending you back to school, maybe next semester?" my dad suggests.

I smile at him and I eat as much food as I can, fast enough to get sick.

"Y- yeah." I finish the bite, "I'd love that, dad."

Bullshit, if anything, I prefer homeschooling. The only problem is that I don't have any excuse to leave the house so it makes it harder to get coke.

I'm willing to go back to school if it means more freedom.

"Daddy... I miss school so much. I miss my friends, I fell out of touch with them," I say, giving him my best puppy face.

"You are going to get your phone back before we leave," my dad says and looks at my mom for reassurance.

"I think they assume the worst of me, I was getting closer with Nicole before t-that..." I lie and they buy it, despite knowing that I fell out of touch with Louis and Nicole many months ago.

"Oh, sweetie. They will understand. We are so happy you aren't going out with that... guy," my mom mutters. She is trying so hard to avoid saying Dominic and I wish I could roll my eyes at her right now.

She thinks Dominic is the bad guy. It's quite funny because he is probably the best friend out of all of them. Considering he takes care of me—except some occasional drugs—and James was the one giving me coke, trying to take advantage of me. Oh, let's not talk about that drug dealer.

But they don't need to know about that. My thought makes me smirk and I quickly brush it off with a cough.

This reminds me that Dominic is part of my plan, hopefully, he accepts or I'll take plan J.

As soon as I get my phone back I'll give him a ring.

While they aren't looking, dad is doing the dishes and mom is cleaning the stove, I pour salt in my cup filled with water.

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