christmas with them

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Ethan - You guys spent Christmas at his house and it was mainly you and Jane all day. You got him a new video game you saw him eyeing while you were on a date. He was so happy when he opened your gift. He got you a necklace that he saw you looking at when you were both at some store.

Benny - He wanted to spend it at his house, you guys ate and watched Christmas movies all day. You got his computer fixed for him secretly and he got you a promise ring.

Rory - You guys spent it at his house since his parents were away on a trip. Rory wanted to play in the snow so that's what you two did all day. You got him a Star Trek video game, he loves Star Trek so he was beaming with happiness! He got you a kitten/puppy because it's your favorite!

Sarah - You guys spent it at your house. Basically the whole day was you chasing after Sarah. She was helping ethan and you couldn't help but get jealous. In the end you found out he was helping he with a gift. She got you that expensive dress you wanted. You felt bad since all you got her was a hand made jewelry box that had a picture of you both on top. Nonetheless she enjoyed your gift since it was thoughtfully made.

Erica - You guys spent it at your shared apartment! The both of you watched dusk movies all night. You got her a fan meet ticket to go see the dusk cast. She was so excited and was so happy you were her girlfriend. She got you some books you really wanted to read and inside were little writings with her reactions to the quotes.

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