they find out they like you (updated)

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Ethan - He found out he liked you in 5th grade when you asked him instead of Benny to the school dance. Benny at the time was going through a peak in middle school where he was very attractive causing a rumor to go around that you liked Benny. It was all flushed down once everyone saw you dancing with Ethan instead.

Benny - You were both watching a horror movie that just came out and even though you weren't scared a jump scare came on causing you to grab his arm and hide your face in his chest. Benny's heart did a whole backflip and he knew he had it bad.

Rory - You were saving up every penny for months and refused to tell Rory what you were saving up for. When his birthday rolled around he was in complete shock, you went out of your way to buy him a present? He was so happy in that moment that he swore you were an Angel, he wanted you to be his Angel. (Spoiler alert you do)

Sarah - You were both having a sleepover and she came out to you. She was so glad that you supported her even after she was questioning if she was a freak. You reassured her that you had no problem with what she likes and that you did as well. She felt so glad to have you as a best friend but now she wanted to be more than that.

Erica - Some jerk was bullying Erica and as soon as you saw you were not having it. You defended her and started telling the guy off causing him to walk away. Erica was forever grateful and her stomach was full of butterflies.

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