Would they cheat (updated)

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Ethan - NOPE, loves you too much and he has self control. He wouldn't want to hurt you and he can see himself being with you until death.

Benny - NO!!!! You're his girl and that means he's obsessed with you. He has your pictures all over his wall and computer there's no time to look or think about other girls when your stuff is every where.

Rory - NO. NEVER. He dedicates his whole life to you already. YOU'RE HIS QUEEEEN. I don't see him as the type to cheat he knows you deserve the best and he will give you that <3

Sarah - She's too busy for that and even if she wasn't she would never cheat!!

Erica - NO. she's more focused on you then anyone. She is busy making sure no one hurts you before she is taking care of herself! You're her first priority and just like Rory she plans on giving you the best she can. So no she wouldn't cheat on you EVER.

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