They take a prank too far (updated)

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An April's fool's special.

Ethan - He thought it would be funny to ignore you, completely forgetting about your trauma.
He Ignored you for two weeks, he was going to wait until April fools to talk to you again. The day came and he was excited to see you again. He was okay with just seeing you in school but then you started avoiding him.

He knocked at your door a few times and didn't get an answer, he then got really worried and climbed in through the window. He saw you laying in bed hugging the bear he won for you when you were kids and instantly felt like shit. Ethan tried his best to make it up to you, of course after this you refused to leave his side but you weren't upset with him.

Benny - He thought it would be funny to set a snake loose in your class. It touched your foot and you screamed. Not only were you embarrassed but you were also scared. You jumped on the tables and started having a panic attack, Benny ran in to try and calm you down but he couldn't.

After a while you couldn't breathe and were getting even more scared at the thought of running out of air. You ran out of the room to go look for Ethan but ended up passing out on the ground. When you woke up you were in benny's arms, he never told you it was him so you weren't upset. Little punk ass bitch.

Rory - He didn't have the intention of pranking you. So what happened was he flew you to Paris, you were to scared to be joyful. The second you both landed you clinged onto him and didn't let go at all until a few hours later.

(Sorry for it being short I just couldn't imagine him wanting to prank you on purpose)

Sarah - the boys were going to prank you by putting you in a realm all by yourself. Sarah knew about this and did nothing to stop them. She thought it would be funny until she saw you have an melt down in the empty school hallways. You were always social and being alone scared you. Once you found out about the prank you were upset but too scared to be alone so you let it slide.

Erica - Since you weren't scared of anything but rats she decided to fill your room with them. Bad idea, one of them bit you and you ended up in the hospital with rabies. Luckily you got to the hospital in time and nothing fatal happened. You were angry for a month and didn't talk to her. She eventually slid her way into your heart again.

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