How you guys met (updated)

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Ethan- You guys met in 3rd grade when benny pushed Ethan into you causing you to spill your milk on yourself. After he saw how upset you were he tried to cheer you up.

Benny- You're Ethan's cousin (so you can use your actual race!!) so it was natural that you would become his friend, even though you didn't like Benny for quite some time because you found him disgusting but after knowing him for a bit you realized you were wrong.

Rory- Both your parents were best friends and wanted their children to be best friends as well, so they planned their pregnancies accordingly and you both were born a few weeks apart. After that you were practically glued to each other's hips.

Sarah- When you were five years old you wandered off to the park to play and you ended up meeting Sarah who taught you how to do the monkey bars, after playing all day you convinced her to take you to her house and soon your parents became friends as well.

Erica- You're Bennys little step-sister(by a year) and step so you can use your actual race!!) but you both met when your classes merged together and you were partnered. She was a nerd and definitely had a charming personality so you wanted to be her friend.

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