When you get hurt (updated)

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Ethan - You and Jane were playing dance-dance revolution. You won and Jane got visibly upset. So she pushed you, not really thinking anything of it because you guys always push each other around. The problem was you were doing a victory spin when she did it. You fell right on your arm to prevent your head from getting hit. Ethan was upstairs taking a shower when he heard you and Jane scream. He quickly put on a towel and ran downstairs.

He saw Jane towering over you trying to help you up. That's when Ethan noticed your bone looked like it was out of place. He called Sarah and told her to come quick. After a minute she was at the house. She picked you up and took you to the hospital. You had to wear a cast for a few weeks. Jane thought it was her fault but you forgave her because she was just messing around like you always do. Ethan was super attentive to you though. Even when you were at your house he would stay over. You would tell him you were okay but he wouldn't care until the cast was off.

Benny - You and this asshole were at the park and he was teaching you how to do monkey bars. (It's so fucking hard for some reason💀) long story short he let go of your waist and went to go pet a dog. You fell on your ankle and glared at him. Still he didn't notice so you called Ethan. Benny was talking to the owner about the dog so he didn't even notice when you left with Ethan. When he turned around and didn't see you there he freaked out. He ran around asking people if they had saw you.

Someone said they saw you and a young man leaving and it scared him even more. He thought someone kidnapped you so he went to Ethan's to help find you. Benny was panicking so bad. He walked into the house yelling but stopped when he saw you on the couch next to Ethan watching a movie. He also noticed how your foot was on the table in cast. You gave him the silent treatment until your foot was healed. So Ethan and Rory had to take care of you in that time.  After you forgave him, he NEVER left your side when you were together. He learned from his mistake.

Rory - It was his fault cause he decided to bring you up into the air. You slipped from his grasp and were falling towards the ground. He tried to grab you but there was only so much you could do. He grabbed your arm and lowered you towards the ground but soon you slipped and fell on your arm. The impact damaged your arm bad but luckily it was still able to be fixed.

Not knowing what to do his bit you. He wanted to stop you from feeling pain, he then gave you human blood against your will. You were pissed but happy that Rory cared so much about you. So you technically didn't have a broken arm anymore.

Sarah - Jesse threw you against a tree. You didn't break anything but your back was in pain for a week or two. Sarah got angry when she saw you on the floor and she ended up finishing off Jesse. She took you home and took care of you. She gave you ice and made sure you ate. Basically she babied you, you weren't complaining though.

Erica - You and Benny were fooling around when he threw a bat at your leg. You started cussing him out when Erica came to check on you. When she saw you on the ground she looked at Benny and he started running. She helped you first because she could always deal with him later, you were the most important thing to her. You didn't break anything but Benny did🥰 She broke his leg even though you were okay.

Safe to say that she will kill anyone for hurting you. She took care of you great though! Your leg healed fast. Since she searched up how to help you.

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