Girls |erica|fluff|

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This is short but I'm tired and my body is sore so take what you can get😣🙏

It was a Friday school morning. Y/n had gotten dressed and was out the door. She was excited to go to school as usual. She hated it but nonetheless it was worth going. She got to see Erica for 6 hours straight. Which to Y/n was just perfect, but she was sure that Erica liked guys so she never said anything. Of course that's what she had thought. Erica liked Y/n back, sadly she knew her parents wouldn't accept it and well she also had thought Y/n was straight.

So she tried to go back to only liking boys. She went on many dates much to Y/n and Sarah's disapproval. After a while of failed relationships she told them she would focus on "school" she never did though. If school was a person it would be Y/n, that's the only person Erica really had paid any attention to.

Last night Erica had gone on a date with Benny. Surprisingly she enjoyed it, so when she got to school she went to go find Sarah to tell her all about it. Once you had arrived at school you automatically went to your usual spot hoping to find the girls. You soon found them conversing by the teachers lounge room. You smiled widely but it quickly faded as you neared them.

"It was actually a great date! Benny isn't as bad as he makes himself look!"

"Wait! Benny? As in y/n's older brother Benny?"


Sarah looked around and spotted you. She gave you knowingly look, she felt bad for you. The only people you had told about your crush was Sarah, Benny, and Ethan. It hurt when you found out that Benny had betrayed you like that. Erica saw Sarah looking at someone and turned around, only to see you speed walking away from them.

"Hey, Sarah, whats up with y/n? Is she mad I went on a date with Benny?"

"Well, yeah! Why wouldn't she be?"

"I just thought, maybe, you know she wouldn't be that mad. If things go well and Benny were to ask me out we could possibly be sisters when we're older."

"You're kidding. Right?"

"No? We're so close and y/n frequently tells me she loves me."

"Because she's in love with you Erica!"

"What do- wait? She is!? Are you kidding? That's not funny to joke about."

"Why do you think she's so upset! You went on a date with her brother instead of her. Not to mention Benny knew about her crush."

"Why wouldn't any of you guys tell me!"

"It's so painfully obvious! She practically follows you like a lost puppy."

"So, what do I do? Do I go to her house? Maybe she doesn't want to see me. If I had known she liked me things wouldn't be the way they are right now!"

"Whatever, and yes go to her house tell her about you feelings too."

"Do I bring a gift? Maybe she'll want one."

"No, idiot, she doesn't want a physical apology she wants a verbal one!"

"Okay, wish me luck!"

With that Erica walked down out of the school and went to the back. She made sure no one saw as she flew up into the air. After a few minutes she made it to your house. She knocked on the door and your grandmother opened it.

"Uh- wrong house!"

She quickly walked away. Your grandma not caring closed the door and went back to sleep. Erica flew up to your window and knocked. After a few seconds she heard shuffling and then the window opened.

"Rory, for the last time I didn't steal your-"

Erica watched your expression change.

"Can I come in?"


She walked into your room and you both stood there for a bit.

"So why're you here?"

"I don't like Benny."

"What? You came here to tell me that?"

"Yes, and to do this."

She leaned down and kissed you then pulled away.

"I only went on a date with Benny because you guys look some what alike. I thought you would probably date Rory or Ethan honestly."

"I gave you a lot of hints Erica, I literally told you I loved you and you said it back then walked off!"

"I thought you meant it in a sisterly way! I'm sorry for not paying that much attention to your feelings..."

"It's fine, I guess we both messed up. I thought you were straight as well."

"I was, until a specific girl came into my life. And now I want to ask her to be my girlfriend."

"Well that specific girl says yes."

You both smiled at each other and kissed again.

"You wanna stay the night and watch some movies?"

"I would love to, girlfriend."

Laughing once more, you lent her some pajamas and you both watched tv while cuddling in your bed.

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