Favorite spot to kiss you (updated)

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Im in class at the moment so I'll just write a story👁👁

Ethan - He likes to kiss your forehead like a lot. He enjoys kissing you in general but one day he was watching a movie with his sister and she said something about how girls find it romantic so he started to kiss your forehead more often.

Benny - Clearly the answer to this would be your neck, not in a pervert way but Benny loves the way you smell and burying his face in you. He likes to leave marks to show everyone you're taken and calls it art.

Rory - Although he is a vampire his favorite spot is not the neck but your thighs. He loves planting a kiss on either thigh before jumping on you. You can barley wear skirts or shorts now since there is always a hickey or two.

Sarah - Her favorite place to kiss you is the corner of your lip. She feels happy being with you and it over joys her to see you smile, so why wouldn't she kiss her favorite thing about you?

Erica - She loves kissing your wrist, the smell of your blood gets her heart pumping. She loves replacing her hunger with your delicious smell.

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