How they cheer you up!

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Sarah was getting really close to Ethan and you were scared you would lose him. One night he found you crying in your bed when he went to surprise you. He quickly engulfed you into a hug and kissed your forehead, he would feed you chocolate and candy while he rocked you back and forth until you fell asleep.

"I'm crazy about you and only you. Okay?"


Your mom and dad had been fighting which was very rare. Ethan wasn't there to comfort you so you stayed in your closet with your younger brother. After an hour of it you called Benny, the moment he heard you crying he hung up and was in your room 10 minutes later. He gave your brother some candy and took you in his arms. He made sure to distract you as well as your little brother and he did a good job.

   "No that dress is gold and white!"

"That's what I said babe!"

"Both of you are stupid."


"What? I'm speaking my truth!"


You just lost your grandma and stopped going to school for a bit. Rory was the first one to notice. He went to your house the first day and found you crying in your room. He quickly hugged you and kept kissing your forehead. An hour later you were in bed and Rory was reading to you. You knew your grandma loved Rory so being with him made you happier than ever.

"Read it again please!"

"N/n that would be the seven- fine"

Seriously all you have to do is flip your hair or pout and he will give you what you want-


You had just lost one of your closest friends and were crying for a long time. Sarah came to visit you and saw you in bed crying. She wanted to make you feel better so she left and came back with snacks. You both cried and ate all of the things she bought. It was nice to know you would always have Sarah.






Life was beating your ass you were tired. You were having a hard time in school and your parent made it worse on you. One night you called Erica over asking for comfort, she was there in a minute. She hugged you all night and you both fell asleep. You felt a lot better when you woke up.

"It's okay I'm here now and I'm not leaving your side. You're the only person I wanna steal the blankets from."

"You truly are the best."

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