The world is so small, till it aint. |Rory|

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(Didn't check spelling☹️)

The world is so small and boring nothing good ever happened to Y/n. She just lived life breathing and working hard. At the young age of eight she realized that the only way to get her parents to care was if she did very good in school not like they were ever around to begin with; most of the time it was Y/n and her two younger siblings. She was seventeen now, almost an adult and she still hadn't lived her life the way she wanted.

It almost felt like she was invisible, she was a junior in high school and only had one friend. Key word had; a few days into freshman year Erica suddenly became popular leaving y/n in the dust. After that y/n decided to just focus on her grades, not like anyone made it hard for her because no one noticed. She felt so alone and tired of living for school and her parents.

Today was no different from any other day. Y/n woke up at 5am and got ready, at 5:50 she was in the kitchen making breakfast for her sister and brother. She packed their lunches for the day and by 6:37 she was waking up siblings and picking out their outfits. They sat in the living room watching tv and eating until 7:20 when it was time to go. Every morning was like this, it was kind of sad that watching tv with her siblings was her favorite part of the day. Small people in a small house watching a small box.

She had gotten through the day pretty smoothly until lunch. Her day was ruined in 2 seconds because that's what happens to girls like her. No matter how much she minded her business she couldn't stay out of this one. As she was walking out of the lunchroom to go eat in the hallways a boy with blonde hair ran into her spilling his sloppy joe all over her shirt. She took a deep breath while looking at her brown stained shirt.

"Sorry! I totally didn't see you there, it's like you were invisible!" Tears flooded the corner of her eyes, those words shouldn't have affected her as much as they did but she hated that no one saw her.

"Of course you didn't." She pushed past him and speed walked out of the school. That night she took a long shower and cried. Why was this her breaking point? She always knew that no one saw her, so why was she so hung up on this? The next morning was different she got up late and only had time to pack lunch and get her siblings ready, she decided not to go to school that day. The earful she got from both her parents later didn't matter because she felt empty. She was ruining her life for her parents just so her siblings could get the easy way out and not have to worry as much as she did.

Even though she wanted to change her life route she didn't; it was too late for her, but her siblings were still young. When she went back to school everything felt the same except this time she felt eyes on her. Sadly, no matter how hard she looked she couldn't see who was looking at her. The rest of the day went by the same way it always did but she felt someone staring whenever she was in the hallways. Y/n marked it off as desperation at this point and when the final bell rang she walked to her locker to grab her stuff so she could go pick up her siblings.

Even though she knew that no one was coming she took her time today in case someone actually wanted to approach her. To her dismay nobody did. She didn't want to feel disappointed but she was. Fall leaves crunched under her converse as she walked to her siblings school. The feeling of being watched was now making her uneasy, what if someone was actually watching her? What if they followed her to her siblings and kidnapped all of them? She didn't wanna endanger her sister and brother so she stopped and turned around like an idiot.

"I know you're following me." There was silence for a few seconds; enough to make her think there was no one there and turn around. Before she made up her mind that she was being delusional a blonde boy jumped down from the tree. The same blonde boy who spilled his sloppy joe all over her and said those hurtful words.

"How did you know?"

"What?" Her mind was racing, what did he want from her.

"That I was following at you"

"You're not exactly subtle."

"Uh yeah I am, my name is literally ninja Rory, so." Even though she didn't know Rory it felt like she had for years.

"Well 'ninja Rory' I'm y/n."

"I know."

"Are you stalking me or something?" She grimaced at her sour tone but she was just really confused. Luckily Rory didn't see it that way and instead thought she was teasing.

"You wish! We had biology together freshman year? I sat two seats to the left."

"Shoot, I'm sorry I really didn't know." She was about to say something else before she remembered about her siblings.

"I have to go pick up my sister and brother, but it was nice to meet you Rory." She gave him a small smile and took off before he could ask for her number. Maybe if she had grown up around people she would have realized how obvious it was that Rory had a crush on her. Her siblings noticed that she was smiling when she picked them up and they were happy that she was finally starting to be. During dinner they ate pasta and watched teen titans go while talking about each others day.

Y/n always appreciated this time with her siblings, she had always wished that her parents would have done the same for her when she was a child but they never did. When her siblings started calling her mom she didn't care because even though she wasn't sure about kids in the future, her siblings were practically hers.

The next few months at school were normal except at lunch Rory would find her and eat with her or he would find her in the hallways and talk to her. Y/n's entire aspect on school changed, she started enjoying it more and even laid back a bit. They both became very close and rory would start to walk her and her siblings home. The two kids really loved rory; not only because he was sweet and funny but because he genuinely cared about their older sister.

That night was different, rory joined them for dinner and the house was more lively. Instead of watching tv they played bs and joked around.


"Hey! What did I say? Say bs not bullshit!" Y/n gave her brother a stern look but he just stuck his tongue out which made her laugh.

"But you guys can say it. Why can't I?"

"Rory and I are seventeen. S/n is eleven, but you're only six so you can't."

"I think it's funny when little kids swear, what's one game of swearing really gonna do?" Y/n punched Rory in the arm and scoffed.

"Seriously, stop agreeing with them."

"We like when he agrees with us though."

Y/n shook her head before grabbing the dirty plates and bringing them to the sink. She grabbed a mug and poured herself some cherry coke. Rory came in a few seconds later and wrapped his arms around her. The whole hug was pretty intimate for two friends but they were comfortable with it. She put the mug down and turned to face him.

"You know I love your sibling's, right?" Butterflies, that was what he gave her in that moment.

"Really? I almost couldn't tell."

"You know I really love you too."

"I love you too, you're my best friend."

"I love being your best friend but I would love being your boyfriend even more."

She brought her face closer to his and waited for him to confirm being kissing him. It was her first ever kiss and even if it wasn't supposed to change anything, it did. If you asked y/n a few months ago how she would describe the world she would have called it unfair and small,

"I'd love being your girlfriend even more too."

Now it isn't.

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