Who said I love you first (updated)

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Ethan - It was definitely not him, you were playing dance dance revolution with Jane, and focusing too much on her for his liking. He started pouting and was about to go upstairs before you stopping him and decided to go show him some love.

"Ethan you know I love you so quit acting like a baby I'll be up soon."

You probably didn't even realize you said it since it came out so naturally but that didn't stop him from saying it back causing you to lose the game.

Benny - He was the first one to say I love you. You both were making out and things were getting heated, Benny wanted to make you feel more comfortable and let you know he cared so he confessed his love for you. You said it back and you both looked at each other lovingly before fucking like rabbits😄

Rory - He was the one who said it first, you both were watching a movie and you started to fall asleep. You were practically laying on him and he was rubbing circles on your back, Rory knew that he wanted to spend his days with you like this. He thought you were asleep when he kissed your neck and said he loves you. When you answered back he was shocked that you were awake but it was a win.

Sarah - She did, you were almost bitten and the thought alone scared her. So when you two got to her house she cried and hugged you tighter than ever. You guys cuddled all night and she confessed that she loved you and was scared to lose you.

Erica - You did, when you started dating you told her you loved her. She said she loved you too and it's just a natural thing for the both of you since you both have loved each other for the longest of time.

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