Bitter and sweet|Benny| Smut|

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Benny and his bimbo cheerleader gf🤭

Everyone and I mean EVERYONE, knew about Benny the pervert and his sweet girlfriend. Although you were kind to everyone, of course there were bets around the school on how much of a freak you were in the sheets. Benny hated when he overheard his classmates say how lucky he was to have you as his girlfriend and sex toy. Don't get Benny wrong he absolutely knew that he was very lucky to have you as his girlfriend, but you weren't an object to him. Of course you never heard those silly little rumors, you were always in your own little world.

The rumors were true as well but it wasn't anybody's business how you guys got off. Benny treated you like royalty, he would lay on the dirtiest floor just so you wouldn't have to step on it. He knew you were his high school sweetheart but he also knew that it would last longer than that.

How could it not? You loved Benny's humor, his hair, the way he would slyly smile when he got caught in a lie, his dorky face when you FaceTimed, the way he listened to everything you said, how he helped you with your homework and never got impatient, the sweet pet names he called you, and how he knew your body better than anyone. Benny loved the way you treated everyone around you with kindness, the way your eyes sparkled whenever you saw animals, the way you kissed him, your adorable face when you talked to him, he adored the way you fawned over everything he said and always remembered the little things, but he especially loved the way you wore skimpy little outfits innocently.

Benny always encouraged your style and not just because he got to see the curve of your ass whenever you walked up the stairs or your boobs threatening to spill out of your shirt but because you loved the way you looked. He loved the way you were always being looked at by the guys and certainly some girls at school because he knew while they were looking at you, you were looking at him.

The skimpy outfits and Benny's never-leaving hand on your waist only added fuel to the rumors. Most people swore you had no dirty thoughts in your brain while the others assumed you were a slut. This rose you and Benny to the schools number one couple.

It wasn't a special occasion but Benny couldn't help but buy you a random gift when he saw a light pink mini skirt at the mall. When you had gotten to his house and he gave it to you of course you were ecstatic. In fact you insisted you absolutely had to try it on for him. Benny didn't even try to hide his growing boner when you gave him a twirl.

"How does it look?" You gave him those big blown out e/c eyes he loved so much and he couldn't help but kiss you. Bennys hand entangled itself in your hair and pulled you downwards onto his lap causing you to let out a moan.

"I love it baby, you look fucking beautiful."

"Benny no swearing! You said you would stop, it's not nice." He made a face but you knew by his hands on your thighs that the next words out of his mouth wasn't going to be an apology.

"But you like it when I call you my little fucking cum slut. Hm? It's okay when I cuss you out while my dick is in you cause you get all cock drunk."

Suddenly shy you buried your face in his shoulder. Afraid he hurt your feelings Benny started massaging your waist and thinking about how he would say sorry but then you started grinding on his thigh slowly.

"My dirty princess, imagine what your dumb cheer friends would think if they saw you whoring out all for my thigh."

Your hip's buckled trying to gain more friction but you just couldn't, little whimpers turned into sobs as you started to get frustrated.

"You need some help pretty baby?" His hands maneuvering to your waist.

"No, I want your stupid cock!" Shocked at your sudden outburst but amused by your tone Benny indulged.

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