(S)cream | Ethan & rory |

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Warnings: murder, death, poly couple, suggestive stuff!! Also I did not correct this sooo😞

Rory makes the calls, while Ethan does the killing. Some might even wonder how did this duo come together instead of Ethan and Benny who are best friends. It was at a party a few months back, things were getting out of hand and things were being thrown. Jesse started beating up Ethan, in that moment there was some sort of agreement by the look Ethan gave Rory so he just went for it. After the incident and hiding the body they swore to stop killing. That was until you came along.

You were a lovely person, of course, everyone has their flaws and you did too but you were a kind person to everyone. Maybe a bit of a prude but you were nice and that's why Ethan and Rory really, really liked you. That was until your mom fucked up and decided to hook up with Rory's dad causing his parents to divorce. Rory was fuming and wanted to get revenge on your entire family, even if he had to kill you, Ethan on the other hand didn't want to hurt you, I mean how could he? He also couldn't say no to Rory seeing as he saved Ethan's life that day.

So the plan began, they would practice on people you were close to with the matching costumes they made. Ethan and Rory would continuously hang out with you to get closer. You were very unaware of the looks they gave each other and how many times you almost died. Ethan had given you many chances always telling Rory to hold off a little longer. Once your mom had gone on vacation Ethan knew that he couldn't help you.

You had been lying in bed relieved to finally have some time alone without your mom, so of course, you were horny. Your fingers were pumping in and out of your cunt as you massaged your boob with your left palm, just as you felt your climax reaching the phone rang.

"Fucking shit I'm gonna murder whoever this fucking asshole is." Ironic.

"Hello, y/n."

"um, hello? Who is this?"

"You tell me."

"I dunno." Your fingers made their way back to your clit and you let out a small breath.

"Scary night isn't it? With the murders and all. It's like right out of a horror movie or something."

"Ethan? It's you isn't it?"

"Do you like scary movies n/n?"

"I like that thing you're doing with your voice Ethan, it's sexy." It wasn't a lie but you were just teasing.

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"Um, I dunno, don't really watch horror."

"Why not? Too scary?"

"'s not that, I just don't like how long it takes to kill the girl. Plus the sexual tension always makes me horny." your fingers entered your cunt again and you held back a whine. Ethan was your friend sure but you wish he were here to help you, your fingers didn't reach the spots you needed.

"Are you alone in the house?"

"Ethan, that's so unoriginal. I'm disappointed in you."

"Maybe that's because I'm not Ethan."

"so, who are you?"

"The question isn't, who am I? The question is where am I?" You bit back a smile and decided to play into his dumb game.

"where are you?"

"At your window." You peaked at your window but there was no one there. Plus you were on the second floor, how would anyone be able to look in.

"Can you see me?"

"uh huh."

"oh really? what am I doing right now then?" your fingers sped up a bit as your thumb rubbed your clit.

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