You're mine and only mine. - ethan

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TW⚠️‼️ contains lemon so if you don't like that click off. Now on to the chapter 😃

No ones POV

You were waiting outside of my locker waiting for my boyfriend when you suddenly feel a pair of hands wrap their way around my waist. You turn and see Ethan smiling at you. The odd part was he was never much for pda so this left you quite shocked. You shrugged it off and you both went to his house.

Time skip~

As you walked in the house you noticed it was empty.  Weird was the only words that came to your mind but you followed Ethan to his room. The second you stepped into his room he pinned you against the wall.

"Ethan? You oka- mph!" That was all you could say before you were brought into a deep kiss. You and Ethan made out here and there but you were always the one to start it when you randomly felt needy. Slowly you melted into the kiss and pushed him onto the bed.

After an hour of making out he was already shirtless and kissing down your neck. The both of you were about to take things to the next level when another Ethan walked in. He stared at you for a minute before pulling you into his arms and glaring at the evil Ethan.

"THERES TWO ETHANS!?" You screeched as you looked at them both. "He's an evil copy, I can't believe you didn't know." Ethan says while holding up the picture. Your eyes widen and you take the paper and rip it.

As he is fading away you hear him say "you're mine." You blush and look at your caring Ethan. "Would it hurt you to be a little more rough?" You smirk as he rolls his eyes and pulls you under his shirt.

"Don't be fooled you're mine and only mine. Only this version of me can have you, now let me claim you."

Y/n couldn't walk after this, be careful what you ask for.😕 Yuh Ethan was not about to let anyone but him take your virginity🙄

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