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- Warnings -

. Shitty French I'm only French 1
. May be a bit boring until the next chapter

 May be a bit boring until the next chapter

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- Your point of view -

It had been 4 years and 6 and a half months since I last saw Ethan and Benny. Excitement waved over me as I got off the plane, for the last 4 years I was in France with my aunt as my parents suddenly disappeared, how could they just leave their 12 year old daughter in the middle of the night?? Well, that story is not important right now, that was ages ago and I'm now 16. I loved every moment of living with my aunt, she was an amazing guardian, but she wanted me to be happy. So she let me go back to white chapel and eventually when she found a job she would come live with me.

For now I would be living with Benny who has been my best friend since diapers. Anyway, as soon as I grabbed my luggage I went to go surprise Benny at his home, I know it was the crack of dawn but who cares! Nothing is more exciting than seeing your best friend. I got into the taxi and eagerly looked out of the window, nostalgia washing over me as we passed parks, stores, and houses that I grew up around. The taxi stopped a few houses down from Bennys and I got out after giving the guy the money.

As the taxi drove off I looked back to the house I once called mine and smiled. Nothing had changed apart from the overgrown garden which made me frown. Something I loved about white chapel was the fact that nobody really moved here, so nobody had bought my house just yet. I smiled in content before walking two houses down to Benny's. I went through the back and checked if his window was unlocked (which it was). I gently climbed in and decided I would prank him.

Benny's pov -

I blinked slowly before looking at my clock. Why did I wake up at 4am? I turned and looked at y/n before swinging my arm around her and pulling her close. Soon my eyes were already shut and I was about to- wait. My eyes flew open as I stared at the girl in front of me.

"Ça va!"


"Bonjour! As-tu bien dormi ?"

"Um, English please??"

She tilted her head slightly as if I was speaking too fast in a language she didn't quite understand. I spoke slower and her mouth opened slightly. She then spoke but her thick French accent caught me off guard.

"I non understand.."


"Arrêté de crier!"

"I don't understand you! How could you do that to me? It's only been 4 years!"

"Stop whining, I was kidding!"

I threw a pillow at her face and she burst into fits of laughter which slowly made me laugh. Her accent was now thinner but it was still there.

"I missed you."

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